Example sentences of "[vb pp] your [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
2 A mistake spotted now can be rectified on the polyester film , but once you have committed your design to the board , it could be difficult or impossible to effect any corrections .
3 ‘ You have recanted your allegiance to the Great Criminal ? ’
4 If you want to park in Nottingham city centre there 's space at the Arndale Centre car park that 's at the bottom of Maid Marion Way or you could even made your way to the Stoney Street car park you 'll find that in the Leys Market .
5 Even getting it all set up to get you this far may have taxed your fortune to the limit already and there 's still a long way to go .
6 If you have presented your case to the best of your ability , and the judge is evidently unconvinced , accept defeat and sit down .
7 You have certainly applied your mind to the work of the Board and you have encouraged its vision and its direction through your intellectual gifts and perceptions and insights .
8 If you have n't got your ticket to the 1991 Federation Cup by NEC , presented by Midland Bank , then call now .
9 You 've once again proved your friendship to the Romany people .
10 If you have not worked regularly at some time since 1978 because you have had to stay at home to care for either a child or a sick or elderly person you may have protected your right to a pension by claiming HRP .
11 I have passed your letter to the Administration Section of the Department for formal processing , however , I should like at this stage to thank you for your contribution to the work of Lothian Trading Standards Department , and wish you well with your future career at
12 It is no good claiming self-defence if , having beaten your attacker to the ground , you then decide to go back and stamp all over his or her helpless body .
13 This might have coloured your attitude to the work , and be relevant when you want to make a fresh start :
14 It seems ( from the recent development of your journalistic style ) that ‘ editorship ’ has inflated your ego to the point of eradicating your sense of judgement .
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