Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Particularly bold demands were said to have come from students close to the Liberian border .
2 In Britain the populist , anti-intellectual pressure has come from government instead of from the people .
3 The small tools have come from yards all over the country .
4 Birds of prey must be attracted from miles away by the spectacular aerobatics .
5 An extant letter of 2 May , written from Northampton nominally by the prince , requests the archbishop of Canterbury to see to the safe-keeping of the great seal , the royal treasure and the Tower of London .
6 An extant letter of 2 May , written from Northampton nominally by the prince , requests the archbishop of Canterbury to see to the safe-keeping of the great seal , the royal treasure and the Tower of London .
7 Acting on this belief , he has : taken one of the most outspoken current-affairs programmes , ‘ Vzglyad ’ ( Outlook ) , off the air ; confiscated the property of the independent news agency Interfax , which was saved from closure only by the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and the Moscow city council ; suspended a free-thinking television news show called ‘ TSN ’ ; and consigned Radio Russia , Mr Yeltsin 's mouthpiece , to a frequency where most of the population can not hear it begin its broadcasts with phrases like ‘ In another move reminiscent of Stalinism , President Gorbachev today … ’
8 Along the length of the coast the story was now everywhere the same : Allied troops hanging on to vulnerable footholds , saved from annihilation only by their dogged courage .
9 Under rules which came into effect last autumn , as his sentence was less than four years , he will be freed from jail automatically after serving half the term , unless he reoffends .
10 We had sailed from Stornoway earlier on a perfect summer 's evening .
11 It was proposed that the students of Torcy 's academy should be employed in making " a more complete and exact collection of peace-treaties " , with an accompanying commentary ; while the largest such enterprise hitherto , the Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens of J. Dumont de Carlscroon ( twelve volumes : Amsterdam — The Hague , 1726 ) , an assembly of documents reaching back to the age of Charlemagne and drawn from sources all over Europe , was designed mainly as a help in policy-making and a kind of portable archive for the use of diplomats .
12 All this , but with examples drawn from chess instead of from whist and bridge , is what Wittgenstein has in mind when he says that the term ‘ language-game ’ is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity .
13 It 's one of the busiest nightspots in the Mediterranean and the streets are simply crowded from dusk onwards with young people going about the serious business of enjoying themselves , socialising , trying the local brew , ‘ discovating ’ and generally having a good time until the early hours of the morning !
14 Gone was the flattened-out effect ; a more contoured look was possible with these sticks that could be bought from chemists all over the country .
15 In 1774–80 for every British seaman who lost his life in battle , fifteen died of disease , while in 1779 Britain was preserved from invasion partly by the scurvy which swept the French and Spanish squadrons then for a time in control of the Channel .
16 Wine is exported from areas all over the world .
17 SCREAMING relatives were dragged from court yesterday after a joyrider who killed two children was attacked in the dock .
18 It is this class alone which is unmistakably distinguished from debentures both in law and fact .
19 The lichen is gathered from rocks late in the summer , dried in the sun , then it is placed with the wool in alternating layers in a large pot .
20 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
21 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
22 In 992 the navy was seemingly formed from vessels already in existence , but in 1008 the Chronicle says that they were built .
23 Hidden from view upstairs in the house is the room where Lawrence of Arabia used to stay , with its photos , books and , now silently put away in a box , Shaw 's dentures .
24 From April to November government-UNITA talks were held in Portugal , joined from September onwards by Soviet and United States advisors [ see pp. 36365 ; 37702 ; 37842 ] .
25 In navigating the corner he had walked from shade straight into the blinding-white glare of the sun and , as her gallop had ceased , so the man also stopped dead , apparently dazzled despite the protection of a pair of sepia-tinted gold-rimmed glasses .
26 Another pleasing choice was Alnus Cordata which is one of medium to large size and has heart-shaped leaves which always seem to be freshly polished and gleaming , accompanied from summer onwards by cone-shaped fruiting heads .
27 By October we find Smolensk party officials annulling a delayed payment of 425 pudy of rye still being demanded by one local authority ( some taxes in kind had been reduced from March onwards to a single uniform tax calculated in terms of rye ) .
28 ‘ Laurence Taylor died at Stubbylee of Asiatic Cholera , having arrived from Liverpool only on Saturday last ; he was interred the same day at the old Baptist Chapel . ’
29 Every bed in that difference has to be paid for with wasted money but in addition the loss of income from that bed has to be found from cuts elsewhere in social services .
30 Threshing machinery was driven by horse-wheel when mechanical threshing was introduced from Scotland late in the eighteenth century with the development of the threshing drum , to relieve men from the real hard labour of threshing with flails , although in areas where the straw was required for thatching , hand-threshing continued long after the appearance of machinery .
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