Example sentences of "[vb pp] at this [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The playground at Brockweir school has been deserted for over a year , once a 100 children were educated at this small village school , but it was closed last year because of declining numbers .
2 The thing that worries some people is that as it 's come at this particular time that some of the things that might have been done five years ago by Local Education Authorities to improve their whole education for children with special needs may now , either through other competing financial pressures , or through inertia or whatever , the whole spirit of Warnock could be lost , and I think it 's a thing that , you know , one will have to keep a careful eye on .
3 And they have applied two rather unique techniques to study this question ; it 's a technique that 's er , er rather unique to Oxford , it seems that across the country , most people have looked at this particular problem of reducing the fluid in the lung .
4 Kenneth is still poring over his books , looking for a cure , and is probably in the garden shed at this very moment , brewing rhubarb leaves and goat manure in an attempt to find one .
5 But then the problem of the relation between internal and external modes can not be considered at this formal level only .
6 The principal committees of the council are also usually selected at this annual meeting .
7 Comparisons are best made at this early stage between things which the children can see .
8 Perhaps the only genuine conclusion that can be made at this particular time of flux is that arts teachers are generally receptive to the introduction of new approaches to assessing children 's work , but only if these developments can be seen to have a positive value in helping children to be more articulate about their strengths and weaknesses , and are therefore essentially formative in character .
9 Individual attention is promised at this small hotel delightfully situated overlooking one of Amsterdam 's main canals — The Singelgracht .
10 At any other time I 'd have laughed at this innocent self-betrayal ; just now it did n't seem funny , only irritating .
11 We fit the torch again ; we do n't want to be disqualified at this late point .
12 Lots of well known people have called at this famous pub , and signed the visitor 's book .
13 Their performance , as far as can be judged at this early stage , matches and in some areas surpasses that of their conventionally trained colleagues 300 km away across the Rift Valley .
14 But it is not at all obvious to the audience how the couple have arrived at this happier state of affairs , neither is it entirely clear what Bill Alexander hopes to add by exercising his powers of invention on the play 's Prologue , in which an alcoholic tinker called Christopher Sly is persuaded by a group of gentry to think of himself an aristocrat — the story of the shrew being laid on as a suitable dramatic entertainment .
15 Its accounts , however accurate at this level , remain stuck at this preliminary stage of scientific enquiry .
16 I say , confused at this sudden change in direction .
17 Roger : I 'm delighted to be involved at this early stage , especially in Community Action .
18 ‘ Where I 'll be is right here in Liskeard , for the most part seated at this very desk . ’
19 On the other hand , no personal endings are found here simply because no ordinal rank has yet been represented at this early stage of verb formation , a fact which gives us some insight into the reality underlying the term " non-finite " .
20 The magnetic confinement fusion programme cost the US taxpayers 350 million dollars in 1984 and funding from Congress has remained at this annual figure ever since , even though inflation has continued to eat into it .
21 Polly eyes widened at this breathtaking conceit .
22 The knights were greatly offended at this foul sight , insomuch that they rose up and left the chamber .
23 On 29 June 1559 , Henri wrote to the pope , that notorious bombast Paul IV , about ‘ the incredible disaster which has since befallen the realm of Scotland to our extreme regret , disgust and displeasure ’ ; the letter stated his ‘ confidence in God who is so signally offended at this wretched plague of ruffians ’ , but God was to be given worldly assistance in the shape of ‘ a large and sufficient force of French soldiers , infantry and cavalry ’ .
24 Claudine surmised , a little quietened at this frosty reply .
25 Publishers grow thick skins against negative reviewing , but I remain puzzled at the volume of abuse directed at this particular book , by an author who has spent many years working on his subject , opening up new areas of research , and who has arguably contributed more in recent years ( viz Orwell : The War Broadcasts , Orwell : The War Commentaries and The Larger Evils ) to the study of Orwell 's work than any other scholar .
26 Since then much theoretical work has been directed at this short-sighted empiricism , uncovering the pattern of cultural or ideological assumptions that supported it .
27 Even though the continuous assessment , course-work elements will have been graded during the preceding two years , the marks will be put together and the final grade awarded at this one time .
28 All expenses are paid by the band 's members as with any hobby , so an accountant does n't need to be involved , although there are certain precautionary steps which should be taken at this early stage .
29 The argument can not be stopped at this simple point , however .
30 Indeed , international events conspired at this particular juncture to enhance the moral reputation of the USSR as the primary bulwark against oppression .
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