Example sentences of "[vb pp] at a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The breaking point was located at a significantly lower pH in patients with gall stones than in controls ( pH 7.1 v pH 8.2 ) ( p<0.0001 ) .
2 Another sequence with enhancer-like character has been described in the S-phase regulated histone H4 , although located at a very distal position with respect to the transcription start point ( 21 ) .
3 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
4 The eve of the second anniversary of Maxwell 's death could n't have come at a more crucial time for the pensioners who travelled to London today .
5 I felt … well , the offer could n't have come at a more opportune time , could it ? ’
6 His return to Eaton Park could scarcely have come at a more opportune moment considering that Gordon Hamilton , Stuart Laing , Norman Robson and Davy Nicholl have all moved on during the close season .
7 Not only had he resigned at a particularly sensitive historical moment , it was also a political fact of life that the Cold War situation literally demanded that no concessions be made to anyone venturing to attack the party ; and the attempt to rehabilitate the " police spy " Nizan was undoubtedly perceived as an attack on the party .
8 There are no other comparable arrangements however , and as a separate facet of this sequence they are relatively uninstructive and more profitably considered at a more specific level of affinity ( section 2.2 and 3.3 , below pp. 30 and 33 ) .
9 The court also has power to order transfer of its own motion and the question should be considered at a very early stage in the proceedings .
10 The answers received will be analysed in tabular form for statistical presentation and so categories of response must be considered at a relatively early stage .
11 Throughout most of this period the focus has been on government records and then mainly at a national level , although in rare instances the issues have been addressed at a more local level .
12 The implication for in-service education of teachers ( INSET ) is that , rather than placing exclusive emphasis on ‘ group work ’ , it would be more appropriate for the issues to be presented at a more general level and discussion encouraged of a range of different strategies and their practical implications .
13 d , Changes in pH i ( as in a ) and uptake current produced by 100μM L-Glu and D-Asp ( applied at a more negative potential to increase its uptake current ) .
14 This should be done at a fairly early stage . ’
15 Only that portion of income above this figure is taxed at a marginally higher rate .
16 He wrote : ‘ But it is when we examine the zoology of these countries that we find what we most require — evidence of a very striking character that these great islands must once have formed a part of the continent , and could only have been separated at a very recent geological epoch .
17 He smiled as he sat back , looking suddenly quite charming although the duelling scar on one cheek hinted at a more ruthless side to his nature .
18 The fax is transmitted at a much faster rate thus saving on telephone bills .
19 The real value of the licence fee has grown at a relatively slow pace and has never quite caught up with the rate of inflation .
20 Evidence will now have to be prepared at a much earlier stage .
21 But , as every homebuyer knows , house prices have risen at a far greater rate .
22 Official monthly statistics , based upon those claiming social security benefits , suggest that women 's unemployment has at times risen at a much faster rate than men 's , although the absolute and percentage numbers for men remain higher .
23 Fears that France would withhold its co-operation had grown after French officials expressed opposition to the recently proposed Rapid Reaction Force ( RRF ) [ see pp. 38170-71 ; 38216 ] , claiming that it " pre-empted " defence arrangements being made at a purely European level .
24 These preliminary contacts are made at a very early stage in development when the embryo is very small and the pioneer cells need only extend their exploratory axons over a short distance in order to contact the target .
25 The decision would need to be made at a very senior level of management ( possibly Chief Executive level ) .
26 Infection commonly occurs in children and infants , and the clinical progression of the disease is similar to syphilis when it is seen in the sporadic form ; the late manifestations , however , tend to be seen at a much younger age .
27 A second question we can ask is whether the visual word-recognition system treats the uppercase , lowercase and handwritten version of a word as different ( which would happen if the system operated at a relatively concrete level ) .
28 By this time she was consciously beginning to play the role that most appealed to her ironic sense of self-awareness : the rather eccentric and certainly unorthodox grand old lady of her native Swansea , whose celebrated love of a good cigar , smoked in public , was matched at a less superficial level by deep attachment to the uncompromising principles instilled into her by her Quaker family background .
29 The pressured atmosphere surrounding the takeover battle may result in the offeror 's shares being valued at a very full price at the time of the offer , but it is a common phenomenon for the share price to fall back after the euphoria has died down .
30 The strange behaviour of systems that exhibit quantum effects seems often to challenge common sense , raising questions as to whether quantum theory provides only an incomplete account of nature and some other theory is needed at a more fundamental level , or even whether our concept of reality needs adjusting .
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