Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [noun] because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The political right is attracted by workfare because it resents the idea that people might be paid by the state to do nothing .
2 I waited eagerly , but the poor girl must have been hijacked by paparazzi because she never came back .
3 " I felt threatened by Marxism because it was the doctrine of a friend , and because it cut across our friendship " , noted Sartre .
4 Yet clubs are faced with court summonses , and threatened by closure because they can not afford to pay their rates and local councils refuse to waive part of the bill .
5 He claims he was framed by Islington because he revealed incidents of abuse in the borough 's children 's homes .
6 Interestingly the blue metal deposit , cobalt , was so named by miners because it was useless and troublesome , reminding them of harassment suffered at the hands of these GOBLINS .
7 Anne-Sophie , on the other hand , lives a life wracked by doubt because she can never decide whether a garment is dirty or not .
8 This database will be protected by copyright because it has required skill and judgment in the design of the structure of the database ( that is , number and type of fields and their lengths ) and in the selection of the information to be entered .
9 And people , a lot of your stress will be caused by people because they 're unpredictable to control like that .
10 ‘ In Africa there 's very little child abuse that is caused by intention because there 's an outlet in the parts I 've been to .
11 Erm even tapestries like the Devonshire hunting tapestry which you may have seen at the V and A. Er the tops look as if they 're been eaten by mice because they 're been so often snagged onto tenterhooks and moved and moved round and onto other tenterhooks , they just do n't seem to have had the same view of this kind of thing as we do .
12 An historical ( diachronic ) account of the form of language is rejected by Saussure because it implies a less than arbitrary relationship between signifier and signified .
13 She suggests that the ‘ subjective , intuitive , emotional ’ ( 1986 : 29 ) methods they defend are rejected by psychology because they are associated , not with lack of scientific rigour , but with femininity .
14 Joins on silver or gold objects made with silver and gold solders can not usually be distinguished by radiography because they are approximately the same density as the metals they join , although they can sometimes be identified by colour difference or porosity when seen at high magnification .
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