Example sentences of "[vb pp] on a [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In some cases local authorities have even set up their own associations to deal with this , although since many housing associations are organized on a regional and increasingly even a national basis , local input is likely to diminish over time .
2 The site of these gardens is now St Giles-in-the-Fields burial ground , north of Old St Pancras Church , which is built on a natural or embanked hillock .
3 RENFE 's operations are organized by seven geographical ‘ zones ’ which are in turn subdivided on a functional and geographical basis .
4 Ideally , I would have liked to have baited on a little and often basis , say a couple of dozen lobworms and one mashed loaf every day .
5 6 Any relief cover required will be offered on a fair and equitable basis
6 An MBA in Project Management is offered on a modular or distance learning basis .
7 To examine the effect that railway building might have had on a self-contained and isolated rural community .
8 His method was empirical : ‘ My results have been obtained through a completely empirical analysis founded on a conscientious and critical study of political economy . ’
9 As we have seen , this had occurred on a small but steady scale since pre-Roman times but new pressures forced a rapid growth in the sixteenth century .
10 He had embarked on a serious and very likely dangerous undertaking which , until its conclusion , must precede anything and everything in his life .
11 In the same space of time she had married , embarked on a new and totally alien job , had a baby , celebrated her twenty-first birthday , and then had a second child — all momentous events in anyone 's life , without the other pressures she was having to cope with .
12 Maidstone Prison has embarked on a long and costly process to bring integral sanitation to cells , to avoid the ‘ slopping out ’ process and the need to have chamber pots in cells .
13 Canada Tenn courts are constructed from a natural rock occurring in the USA and laid and bound on a dynamic or engineered base .
14 There may also be additional staff employed on a part-time or seasonal basis for particular projects or programs .
15 This includes the acquisition of any new and relevant skills and applies equally to staff employed on a full or part-time basis ; in the public and the private sector .
16 A wonderful sex life is based on a good and loving relationship .
17 The draft constitution confirmed the federal nature of Czechoslovakia , based on a joint and voluntary declaration of co-existence between the two republics , and declared that the republics would exercise all the powers not explicitly given to the federation .
18 What had started as a ‘ new look ’ language course began to be seen as a new approach to teaching children based on a new and popular medium — English .
19 A central theme in the nineteenth and early twentieth century legacy of sociological theory ( and one closely linked to Giddens 's argument that social life is being stretched over time and space ) was that society was changing from one based on a small-scale and close-knit community of primary relationships based on blood , kinship and close association .
20 Marks & Spencer 's British clothing business , despite its dependence on company-owned outlets and notwithstanding its sterling reputation , is based on a minimal but broadly appealing customer relationship .
21 How then does probability come to rear its ugly head if our dynamics is based on a nice and deterministic equation like [ 9 ] ?
22 The Pakistan camp were clearly peeved , and united in their conviction that they had been wronged , a conclusion based on a deep and enduring suspicion of their opponents ' stance .
23 Ricardou was particularly guilty of attempting to establish an officially sanctioned list of approved modernist precursors : the criteria he used were based on a simplistic and over-schematic distinction between writers who accepted a mimetic function and those for whom the materiality of language could be shown to be paramount .
24 This gradual slimming — based on a sensible and varied diet , ideally accompanied by an hour of regular exercise two to three times a week — is far better for you than the more drastic 500–800 calorie regimes advocated by some diet gurus .
25 During the Late Predynastic Period each district was recognised by a representation of its main god mounted on a standard or pole , these emblems being shown on some of the painted pottery .
26 overheads being recovered on a logical and consistent basis to enable work in progress and profit levels to be assessed accurately on a job-by-job basis .
27 responding to White Papers on the tertiary education system , the Council supported the volume and variety of courses provided on a full-time and part-time basis and drew attention to the need to give proper status to colleges ' degrees .
28 ALAN Temple , a new England international , laid on a short but tremendous display at the North East divisional ABA finals at Gatehead Leisure Centre last night .
29 It was therefore a structure which was continually negotiated on a daily or weekly basis aiming to maximise the enjoyment and interest of learning in the present .
30 For almost the whole of the period under review , the prevalent and strongly held belief was that Britain , in common with other major economies , had climbed out of the economic slough of the interwar years and was set on a broad and permanent path of rising prosperity and full employment .
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