Example sentences of "[vb pp] that the [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 It should be stressed that the eutectic is a mixture and not a compound .
2 The researcher goes out looking for respondents who conform to the quota requirements , either by knocking on doors or by asking people in the street to participate : it must be stressed that the point is not to interview everyone who happens to live on the street or who happens to pass by , but only those who conform to the quota controls and in the proportions specified .
3 A report published by the University of Bucharest has claimed that the country is " saturated " with pollution , as a result of inadequate or unenforced controls during the Ceausescu years .
4 It is also often unclear whether it is being claimed that the bureaucracy is truly multifunctional or is merely recruiting and socializing its own members , articulating their interests , or acting as ‘ one of the main channels of political struggle in which and through which different interests are regulated and aggregated ’ ( Eisenstadt 1963 , p. 112 ) .
5 it can not be claimed that the competition is easy , but the experience is incomparable and the rewards worth fighting for .
6 Portugal has not claimed that the treaty is void , but that its negotiation and conclusion are with a State that has no legal authority over the territory in question .
7 It is claimed that the church is one of the most complete examples of the Milanese baroque style , but I think the best feature is the campanile , the only part of the older building that remains .
8 As an editorial in the British Journal of Religious Education put it , " It could equally be claimed that the syllabus is defective because it did not refer to Krishna , Allah and the Guru Granth Sahib anywhere . "
9 It has sometimes been claimed that the village is a peculiarly English invention .
10 It 's claimed that the fox is a predator , killing lambs and free range chickens and must be controlled ; an argument not accepted by the RSPCA .
11 Of course , ‘ capitalism ’ is not identified as such , just as Barthes ( 1972 ) has claimed that the bourgeoisie is ‘ the social class which does not want to be named ’ , and just as the YCs themselves preferred the label of ‘ ordinary ’ to a class identification .
12 Marriage in Judaism is of such a high status that when a Jewish couple are married , it is considered that the home is like a small version of the Temple and spirituality is brought to everyday life by keeping the biblical laws .
13 Finally , it must be considered that the bile is acting as a non-genotoxic carcinogen .
14 If the debts and expenses have not been paid but have been secured , the report must state whether it is considered that the security is satisfactory ( r 6.207(3) ) .
15 recommended that the procedure is applied to spontaneous speech samples of about 30 minutes ' duration , although there is no reason why this should not be varied .
16 It is recommended that the installation is carried out by a qualified tradesman , or , at least , is checked by one .
17 Lawrence was saying that Man City have bid 1.5 million , but he has recommended that the offer is rejected .
18 It might be objected that the doubleness is just a trick of Porfiry 's .
19 The director had n't realised that the sea is like a vast moving carpet and , with a strong ebb against a fresh breeze , a very bumpy one .
20 Has not he realised that the CAP is the only agricultural support system under which consumers pay a subsidy to farmers and end up paying more for their food than if they had not paid the subsidy in the first place ?
21 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
22 A Schools Council report ( 1970 ) has emphasized that the problem is not that this sort of pupil leaves school at the earliest opportunity but that as far as school learning goes they ‘ leave ’ at the age of about 12 .
23 Several local people have also commented that the fence is n't dog-proof .
24 They may even be taught that the mind is organised around this kind of contrast , which is ‘ natural ’ in language and thought .
25 It will be recalled that the dislocation is essentially a line defect which can move about in the crystal fairly freely .
26 I also would n't switch to a serial mouse until you have checked that the driver is up-to-date .
27 They are trying to find somewhere suitable or , alternatively , they are trying to make a documentary about the area , having heard that the inn is haunted .
28 He has heard that the King is ill and he has sent for me , from the distant land beyond Kelfazin , to find the cause of his sickness .
29 I have heard that the house is inhabited , and that it is now a farmhouse ; but not a human being in sight anywhere near it ; the ploughmen have left the fields , the farm buildings are deserted .
30 And as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming , even now many Antichrists have come , this is how we know , it is the last hour .
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