Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
2 What is , to my mind , incredible , is that he could ever have supposed that the money was being either paid by the plaintiffs or received by the defendants with the intention or on the footing that the defendants were to keep it in any event .
3 It should be stressed that no payment is made by the client .
4 It should be stressed that the eutectic is a mixture and not a compound .
5 While there was a cultural aspect to this battle ( the Telagu people faced discrimination as a linguistic minority ) it is stressed that the struggle was focused on the conditions of an agricultural economy organised around a system of landlords and tenants .
6 The researcher goes out looking for respondents who conform to the quota requirements , either by knocking on doors or by asking people in the street to participate : it must be stressed that the point is not to interview everyone who happens to live on the street or who happens to pass by , but only those who conform to the quota controls and in the proportions specified .
7 Throughout each day ( four or five times ) Olwyn was reminded that the target was for her to be in bed before 8pm .
8 The Labyrinth dominates our thinking about Knossos , but it must not be forgotten that the temple was surrounded by a Minoan city , most of which remains unexcavated .
9 Rather , it is claimed that a culture is intellectually superior because it has acquired that technology .
10 Admitting this , it might nevertheless be claimed that a person 's consenting entails , as a matter of the meaning of ‘ consent ’ , not only that he acted in the way I have described , but that his action has the purported normative consequences .
11 He was critical of Clive Thornton for having once claimed that a house was the best investment , since prices rise and never fall ; they may reach a plateau , but will then rise again .
12 The itch is not a painful one and James I is said to have claimed that the itch was fitted only for kings , so exquisite was the enjoyment of scratching .
13 A report published by the University of Bucharest has claimed that the country is " saturated " with pollution , as a result of inadequate or unenforced controls during the Ceausescu years .
14 In 1919 , Longstaff Dennison had claimed that the NCOAP was going to be ‘ a trade union for pensioners ’ .
15 If the actual performance of liege homage could be staved off by Henry 's successors until the territorial clauses of the 1259 treaty were properly implemented , then it could be claimed that the duke was acting as defacto sovereign in his duchy until such time as the agreement was fulfilled .
16 It is also often unclear whether it is being claimed that the bureaucracy is truly multifunctional or is merely recruiting and socializing its own members , articulating their interests , or acting as ‘ one of the main channels of political struggle in which and through which different interests are regulated and aggregated ’ ( Eisenstadt 1963 , p. 112 ) .
17 In Long v. Lloyd ( 1958 C.A. ) the seller had claimed that the lorry was in excellent condition and was capable of 40 m.p.h. and 11 m.p.g .
18 it can not be claimed that the competition is easy , but the experience is incomparable and the rewards worth fighting for .
19 Portugal has not claimed that the treaty is void , but that its negotiation and conclusion are with a State that has no legal authority over the territory in question .
20 It is claimed that the church is one of the most complete examples of the Milanese baroque style , but I think the best feature is the campanile , the only part of the older building that remains .
21 Lozano had claimed that the motorcycle was aimed at him , and that he had no time to leap out of the way .
22 Lozano had claimed that the motorcycle was aimed at him , and that he had no time to leap out of the way .
23 When the 10th anniversary came round , it was claimed that the incident was invented by the nasty Tory press .
24 Iraq subsequently claimed that the attack was in error , but the news came as a considerable surprise both to the inhabitants of the Gulf and to professional ‘ Gulf-watchers ’ from outside the area .
25 As an editorial in the British Journal of Religious Education put it , " It could equally be claimed that the syllabus is defective because it did not refer to Krishna , Allah and the Guru Granth Sahib anywhere . "
26 It has sometimes been claimed that the village is a peculiarly English invention .
27 India consistently claimed that the violence was organized by militants trained in , and funded by , Pakistan .
28 During a visit to Taiwan in mid-November — to open a £150m terephthalic acid plant — Sir Denys claimed that the merger was still on course , but in recent weeks doubt has been cast on whether the demerger will go ahead , at least in the immediate future .
29 The government accused Czechoslovakia ( which represented Cuba 's diplomatic interests in the United States ) of " hypocritical inconsistency " — sheltering asylum seekers while requesting official protection to deal with the " consequences " of such an action , and additionally claimed that the episode was aimed at causing embarrassment in the run-up to the July 26 celebrations .
30 In the same letter to Katkov Dostoevsky also claimed that the murder was itself the merest peg ; ‘ I am only taking the accomplished fact ’ ; and he went on to assert that the human type ‘ which corresponds to this crime ’ was the creature of his imagination .
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