Example sentences of "[vb pp] for being [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Those who , like Newman Hall , let Gothic design take over , were criticized for being imitative and for demeaning the sermon .
2 But I think I knew unconsciously that the supposed crime was twofold : I was being punished for being female and for having grown up .
3 At home , the cows were managed by the women , who hand-milked them and ensured that they continued to yield plenty of good quality milk and were selected for being docile and good-tempered .
4 One girl spent the whole afternoon talking to me about her family 's obsession with beauty , how she had always been praised and noticed for being pretty and not much else , and then , just at the end , spoke guiltily of ‘ wasting my time ’ with a subject so unimportant .
5 In all cases the ‘ boys ’ were given more freedom to explore whilst the ‘ girls ’ were kept close and scolded for being noisy and for ‘ tomboyish ’ behaviour !
6 She is also known for being frugal and will often only serve visiting supporters after running a used teabag three or four times through a mangle .
7 Praised for being economical and concise while offering a clear definition of mental illness and its own activities , its second ever entry also made effective use of colour and included a prioritised , strategic plan .
8 He was chased and bitten by a police dog and then arrested for being drunk and disorderly after he became abusive .
9 He enjoyed talking about art with Rodrigo and , respecting his resoluteness ( it was said of him that he was the only Sohoite to be arrested for being drunk and orderly ) , asked him to act , with Anthony Lousada , as his executor .
10 Although topic work is sometimes justifiably criticised for being shallow and unstructured , I believe it to be one of the most valuable aspects of the primary school curriculum .
11 and Hechter 's original thesis has been criticised for being unhistoric and too-abstract .
12 The region is often criticised for being bureaucratic and remote without too careful an analysis of these concepts ( Page and Midwinter 1979 ) ; but one criticism must surely be accepted — the ‘ certain balance ’ that Wheatley advocated is scarcely obtained when one region outweighs the rest .
13 During the riots , the Guard was criticised for being panicky and uncoordinated ( Brewer et al , 1988:117 ) .
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