Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Last instructions given , and the operation arranged for the following day , the couple went away , and Robert said , ‘ It 's a pity , is n't it ?
2 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
3 Normally six cases will be listed for a half day , which would allow about 30 minutes per case if all the claimants attended , but a significant number do not .
4 The price factors are calculated for the first day of the delivery month , and adjustments have to be made for accrued interest where the first day of the delivery month does not coincide with a coupon payment date .
5 However luck was not with us for , as a reward for jumping in the intervals of appalling freezing fog , he got flu as a Christmas present and was delayed for a few days in hospital at Ringway .
6 Five target fish were nominated for the second day as the anglers struggled to overcome persistent torrential rain and buffeting winds .
7 Well over a hundred of Oxfordshire 's lowest paid and angriest health workers attended a mass meeting to hear that almost all the region 's clerical staff had voted for a one day strike .
8 My brother and I were booked for a 5 day course on Harperig Reservoir , with one instructor and a group of about 10 children .
9 The Executive Committee have decided that we should be represented and a static display stand has been booked for the five days .
10 In Jesus the Spirit destined for the messianic days , the days of salvation , had come to stay .
11 Lepine was not cremated for a few days yet , until after the despatch of a couple of his victims also being tended to at the Côte-Des-Neiges cemetery , opposite the mountain , alongside the University of Montreal , where Marc Lepine joined his victims in the silence at the centre .
12 A 71 year old asymptomatic woma attended for a routine day case screening duodenoscopy using a side viewing video endoscope ( Olympus EVIS JFV10 ) .
13 But because he was n't , I worked as hard as I could until dark , about night time , to get them done for the next day .
14 Where time permits , leave the final draft of any report you have written for a few days and then read it again with fresh eyes .
15 The lesson was learned , and in subsequent years a photocall has been organized for the first day , when the Prince and Princess pose sweetly for the cameras on the understanding that thereafter the media will go home so the two can holiday in peace .
16 The Association of Friends raise finance for overseas tours and plans are made for an eight day visit to Hungary in July .
17 No matter how volatile the economy you seem to have divine protection , whether this is because you have saved for a rainy day or you are just downright lucky .
18 Overdrafts to customers are often granted for a few days or weeks .
19 It was granted for the following day and a deputation was formed consisting of Dr. Paisley , leader of the DUP ; Rev. William Beattie , deputy leader of the same party ; Cecil Harvey , Vanguard Unionist Assembly member from the Saintfield area ; and the present writer .
20 Set in the scenic splendour of Flagstaff Gardens , the Welsh Mountain Zoo is one of Britain 's finest Zoos , offering all the facilities needed for a complete day 's family outing .
21 2 Provide any dressing equipment needed for the early days after discharge .
22 In the Undercroft was the Guild 's now famous Baking Stall ( £643 ) kept supplied for the 6 days by our indefatigable cooks , who , it was noticed , were anxious to get away in the afternoons so as to return to their stoves !
23 ELABORATE last-ditch attempts to save a town from lava flowing from Sicily 's Mount Etna were postponed for a second day yesterday because of poor weather .
24 No , the point they both make is that Jesus was equipped for his messianic mission by the Spirit promised for the last days ; that this Spirit was not available to others in the days of his flesh ; and that after his death and resurrection the last days were extended , so to speak , by the followers of Jesus inheriting his mission , his authority and his Spirit .
25 ‘ I 've told her he 's travelling between America and Mexico and ca n't be reached for a few days .
26 If the projected examination schedules are retained in the computer , printouts can be obtained of the examinations scheduled for the next day or week , so rendering unnecessary the use of a manual diary for the control of test schedules .
27 There are some 30 seminars scheduled for the three days , including Unix communications , TCP/IP administration and the Hungarian experience of implementing client/server architectures .
28 Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutalibov failed , however , to attend talks scheduled for the same day with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan .
29 Inexplicably , two compulsory first-year lectures had been scheduled for the same day and time , and the error had only just been noticed .
30 Complete mobilization of the forces was scheduled for the same day — one of those strokes of government that real people marvel at .
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