Example sentences of "[vb pp] it [adj] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He loved the tough life of thrill and fear and his excellent war record had made it easy for him when , in 1941 he had decided to apply to join the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
2 This had made it easy for him to reach the traps as there were no banks here as such , just fiats of mud and rock .
3 In the past we 've always made it easy for you .
4 It is almost as though fate is saying , Look , I 've made it easy for you ; just get on with it , do it .
5 In retrospect , the greatest disservice Charles Howard ever did me was the way he had somehow made it impossible for me to trust this man .
6 If I 'd met you earlier the fact that I 'm married would have made it impossible for me to take off and fly with you like this .
7 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
8 You 've made it impossible for him to change his mind , with your carry-on in public .
9 When Edmund Wilson attended a performance of The Confidential Clerk , however , he found it " rudimentary " ; everyone in London seemed to agree with him but , he said , " respect for Eliot had made it impossible for anyone to commit himself by printing a sincere opinion " .
10 A dozen or more examples of the soulboy 's discourse have made it impossible for us to listen to virtually any ‘ black ’ record with any real pleasure , without ghastly phrases like ‘ pride and dignity ’ popping into our heads .
11 Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today — I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands . "
12 Advances in , for instance , the production of 64K RAMs ( memory chips that can hold around 64000 bits of information ) give Japanese manufacturers a versatility and efficiency which has made it possible for them to achieve so much in the past few years .
13 Not only had Cora-Beth been incredibly patient and understanding about his reluctance to become engaged these past two years , but during that period of his life she had somehow made it possible for them to renew their old easy friendship .
14 In April , the company unexpectedly obtained new contracts which might have made it possible for it to keep him in work .
15 The Anglo-American special relationship , on the other hand , is as alive as ever , and has made it possible for us to buy advanced US weapon systems like Polaris and Trident on very favourable terms .
16 The audiocassette and the videocassette have made it possible for us to have at hand and easily transport unlimited numbers of programmes in voice and vision , whether for instruction or entertainment , for a more complete understanding of news and information , or for the appreciation of beauty and artistry .
17 It is this all important human love between parent and child , particularly the mother , that could well be the origin of the power which has made it possible for there to be established within the human mind this thing we call a ‘ conscience ’ .
18 However , the galaxies would also have had some small sideways velocities , and this might have made it possible for there to have been an earlier contracting phase of the universe , in which the galaxies might have come very close together but somehow managed to avoid hitting each other .
19 From 1675 to 1679 Locke travelled and studied in France ; and from 1683 to 1689 he was in exile in Holland , his political views and associations having made it necessary for him to flee England .
20 The sight of his motorcycle first thing that morning had made it necessary for his Mother to speak sharply to him about his language .
21 He feels the nomadic lifestyle contributed to a shyness which has made it difficult for him to establish close friendships ever since .
22 Trying to pick up the pieces of his life , he says his experiences have made it difficult for him to trust anybody .
23 Which had made it difficult for her to stifle her irreverent giggles , particularly with Matey 's severe stare on her .
24 My friends have also made it difficult for me , but the world has n't come to an end . ’
25 He has always made it tough for me when he has been in contention but I can deal with that because I have confidence in my game . ’
26 It may or may not be that he would have thought it necessary for there to be a ‘ natural resemblance ’ ( such as the Vatican Declaration believes to be necessary ) between the male Christ and the male priest .
27 Snobbish Rufus had not thought it possible for someone like that to live there , but why not , after all ?
28 In the sentence below , the underlying attitude of the speaker is betrayed somewhat by the adverb actually ( suggesting " you may not believe this " ) , and one understands as in ( 69 ) that he would not have thought it possible for someone to be so audacious as the public relations officer was : ( 70 ) But Drew was as determined as any Soviet Commissar to fulfil his self-imposed quota , and the fuse to his temper began smouldering whenever anyone suggested the 15% target might be overly ambitious .
29 You might have got it ready for me !
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