Example sentences of "[vb pp] to her [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since her inheritance , ten years ago , all her pleasures and hopes and excitements had come to her in such small parcels .
2 Somehow she 'd still hoped against hope that Ace might have come to her after all .
3 The important thing , the only thing that really mattered to her in those tense and anxious moments , was to reach and be united with Edward …
4 At the twelfth count , 170 more transferred from McAleese ( FF ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to her from nine other candidates , F , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M , R and S.
5 At the fourth , nine more , transferred from Hyland ( Ind ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to her from two other candidates , F and Cl .
6 At the ninth count 418 more transferred from Mullarney ( GA ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to her from seven other candidates , F , Cl , H , B , Cr , O'S and E.
7 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
8 Rosalba was drawn to her above all the other Marys in the province , far and above the Madonna of the Kneading Board , who had been washed ashore with the face of Our Lady in its grain , and who was her mother 's favourite , and hung in replica above her bed .
9 Alice would have liked to talk to her , for she felt drawn to her in some kind of kinship ; but Caroline did not feel this , it seemed .
10 He had n't talked to her like that for ages .
11 No one had ever talked to her like this before , and she was n't at all sure how the game — if it really was a game — should be played .
12 She felt a sudden flash of doubt , remembering the things Jeff had told her , and thought again what had occurred to her over that fateful cup of coffee .
13 Meanwhile Sue has recently accepted a series of temporary secretarial posts offered to her by other companies .
14 He had never asked her to marry him , he had never even said directly and seriously ‘ I love you ’ , he was not bound to her in any way explicitly .
15 If a little girl can not feel herself able to win the heart of her father , her own father who has known her so well and so long , and is tied to her by mutual blood-ties , I reasoned , then how can the young woman who comes later have any deep confidence in the power of her womanliness .
16 Although I had already spoken to her about past lives , Maxine was not at all sure that she believed in the concept .
17 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
18 Dana looked shocked ; Claudia had never spoken to her in that tone before .
19 He had never spoken to her like that before .
20 No one , but no one , had ever spoken to her like that before , and she did n't like it , all the more because she knew he had a point .
21 It may well have been so intended , as it was in the Canadian case of Malette v. Shulman ( 1990 ) 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 where the Jehovah 's Witness carried a card stating in unequivocal terms that she did not wish blood to be administered to her in any circumstances .
22 He gazed back at her across the stained table with appalled eyes , linked to her by that bloodstained gurgle of water which was gushing through both their minds , sharing the same dreadful imagining of that silently emerging figure , the raised and bloody knife .
23 The most vivid memory I have of that Christmas Day is of Shanti , now almost two years old , walking round and round the long dining-room table , pulling a little toy engine given to her by one of the boys , round and round , smiling and smiling .
24 A Mary Queen of Scots coin was given to her by well-wisher Jessie Brown , 40 , of South Carntyne , Glasgow .
25 The spiritual love given to her from all the helpers was very apparent .
26 Maybe , she thought bitterly , if she had asked a few questions she might have uncovered the truth about him for herself , instead of having the information relayed to her by one of her friends .
27 They had appeared to her like grey gulls , mysterious and soothing .
28 ‘ Something might well have happened to her after eight days .
29 That kiss had been so bewildering , so utterly unlike anything that had ever happened to her in all her twenty-four years .
30 His name had not been mentioned to her at all yet she knew his name from the description straight away .
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