Example sentences of "[vb pp] to a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
2 Added to a National Rivers Authority grant of £100,000 , it 's enabled 3 weirs to be restored .
3 More than 200 residents were evacuated to a nearby police station .
4 After his or her 18th birthday , the young person would be transferred to a young offenders ' institution before moving to an adult prison aged 21 .
5 Eventually I was asked if my reference number related to a low-level police helicopter flight planned in Wales .
6 P. , B. and D. are together with one family , T. and A. were initially together although A. has since had to be moved to a small children 's home , and K. is with a third family .
7 By 1973 the Conservatives had moved to a statutory prices and incomes policy and massive state intervention in industry ; the reorganization of secondary schooling along comprehensive lines proceeded , albeit at a slower pace than under Labour , and the trade union legislation under the Industrial Relations Act was effectively non-operational .
8 The fact that the system cost around £300,000 as compared to a traditional suppliers offer of £2.5 million and only took three months to design , install , train and make fully operational reflects well on the technology — even though the paper itself failed .
9 All finalists will be invited to a spectacular winners ' reception in London in September .
10 Exploring how nineteen carers , known to a social services support group , experienced the caring relationship , Ungerson ( 1987 , p. 15 ) focused on :
11 In these authorities the function of ‘ filling in ’ important works not ordered by the areas is given to a central resources unit , a team of professional librarians headed by the bibliographical services officer , with authority-wide responsibility for selecting published works of any importance .
12 If the candidate makes the grade in the Hawk , where he learns to handle fast jets and basic skills in bombing and dogfighting , he is posted to a Tactical Weapons Unit where these skills are honed .
13 Children who come to this school are limited to a Fine Arts base , and possibly Graphics .
14 During my lengthy spell abroad , I was seconded to a public relations unit , run by a delightful and eccentric colonel .
15 In some contexts , and particularly where the document to be served originated abroad , an informal mode of service is used ; typically the document is passed to a local police station , and is either taken round to the defendant 's address or the defendant is invited to call in to collect it .
16 When the name of a vulnerable elderly person has been passed to a social services department , that person becomes at least temporarily a client .
17 He need not be taken to a designated police station if it is not anticipated he will be detained for more than six hours or where the arresting officer is without help .
18 A 16-year-old girl from Bermondsey , south London , was sent to a young persons ' institution for four months yesterday after being found guilty at Seymour Place juvenile court of causing grievous bodily harm to Francis Ruth Waite , 24 , daughter of Terry Waite , held hostage in Lebanon .
19 He was sent to a young offenders ' institution for three years .
20 Paul Dart , 18 , was sent to a young offenders ' institution for four years when he admitted crimes including armed robbery .
21 Yesterday , Hill , of Gosport , Hants , who admitted manslaughter , was sent to a young offenders ' institution for 2½ years .
22 Let me quote from last Saturday 's Oxford Mail : ’ A teenager whose night of joyriding ended in the death of a lorry driver , was sent to a young offenders ' institution for two years .
23 We are often talking about young people who have been through the entire menu of alternatives to imprisonment before they are sent to a young offenders institution , formerly known as a detention centre .
24 TWO men who used an imitation firearm to carry out a robbery were sent to a young offenders centre at Belfast Crown Court yesterday .
25 A man who gave the drug LSD to a teenager who later died of an overdose has been sent to a young offenders ' institution for three years .
26 O ’ Neil was sent to a Young Offenders ' Institute for four years after admitting aggravated burglary and grievous bodily harm .
27 A TEENAGER who led police on a chase at speeds of up to 90mph through a built-up area was yesterday sent to a young offenders institution for two months .
28 Stevenson , 20 , of Grendon Walk , Park End , Middlesbrough , was sent to a young offenders ' institution for a total of 21 months and banned from driving for two years .
29 Hayman , a first offender , was sent to a young offenders institution for three years .
30 Similarly , the graphics sub-system turns in some respectable benchmark timings , allied to a neat 14″ SVGA monitor of indeterminate parentage which gives a very steady , if over-bright display .
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