Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The resultant online , interactive database is designed to be so easy to use that after a few minutes practice even novices can make very sophisticated searches and will have nearly instantaneous access to a vast storehouse of information hitherto accessible only after tedious , time-consuming and costly searches through individual issues .
2 The intensity of reaction is normally very much less in these cases than after a severe loss such as bereavement but , even so , people can be surprised by their lethargy , sadness , even depression and bursts of irritation , which disturb what was expected to be so happy .
3 After a competition to create a centre-piece for the Universal Exhibition of 1889 , Eiffel 's design was selected in the face of intense opposition from Pierre-Emmanuel Tirard , then Prime Minister , Charles Garnier , architect of the Opera , the composer Gounod , writers Leconte de Lisle and Guy de Maupassant ( the last claimed to be so upset by it that he fled France ) , and more than 40 other national figures .
4 Michèe Barrett refers in her essay to the ‘ turn to culture ’ in recent feminist work , and Griselda Pollock 's long essay in the volume Painting , Feminism , History gives us some idea of why culture ( in this case the visual arts ) has come to be so central .
5 How does theology stand vis-à-vis other disciplines , such as the natural sciences , which have come to be so important and successful with the passing centuries ?
6 Who would have thought , with all this talk of millions to be made by gene juggling , that just a few years ago genetic engineering was considered to be so dangerous that one small accident could unleash upon the world a virulent plague that would make the black death look like an outbreak of summer flu ?
7 These are individuals whose behaviour is considered to be so outrageous as to fall completely outside the range of actions based on reasons and causes .
8 Indeed , they are often considered to be so routine that they are taken to be ‘ normal ’ .
9 This is shown by prices in the " grey market " which are often reported to be so low as to negate all of the gross fees , thus absorbing all of the underwriters ' risk premium .
10 The poignancy of the situation is increased because love and longing themselves are felt to be so close to aggression .
11 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
12 In 1654 , only a year after Cromwell had taken the title of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth , the School was the stage for the preaching of the independent divine , Samuel Eaton , a remarkable orator , whose speeches against the Book of Common Prayer were said to be so powerful that his listeners would refuse to go to Church .
13 His power was said to be so great that each one of the dhāmis , when possessed by him , could split an iron cooking tripod with a single blow of his naked hand .
14 Some expressly did not want their money to go for weapons ; others were said to be so thrilled that they wanted their names on the missiles .
15 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
16 Certainly it does nothing to enhance the reputation of democracy when its application is seen to be so restricted and its outcome so ineffectual .
17 This is , of course , why industrialization is seen to be so important in most theories of development .
18 As I listened to him fumbling for words of explanation , I wished he could have said boldly that what was thought to be so heinous today was not thought to be so then , but that looking back now , he deeply regretted what had happened .
19 And with so much theatre training available in the United States , New Zealand , Australia and Canada , it is interesting to ask why British theatre training is thought to be so beneficial .
20 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
21 It was also remarkable that Germans — thought to be so liberal — now looked to England as the last refuge of Liberty ; they applauded Nelson 's recent victories — the political wheel had turned full circle .
22 Nuclear weapons can not escape from the kinds of restraints built up carefully in the laws-of-war tradition over the centuries , but there is a risk that they may be thought to be so escaping ( especially in view of the UK and US reservations to 1977 Geneva Protocol I ) unless positive action in this direction is taken , The comparative neglect of the whole subject of laws-of-war restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons has endured for forty years , for reasons which can be understood if not approved .
23 I have many examples in my fieldnotes which show this mode of thought to be so ingrained , that even when the possibility of making such a journey ‘ back ’ to basic police work has long since evaporated , the supremacy of the belief still remains :
24 In North Yorkshire , Orkney and Wester Ross ( predominantly part-time ) this was not thought to be so important .
25 Why has everything got to be so squeaky dean as soon as the meal is finished ? ’
26 You 've got to be so careful . ’
27 I 've got to be so careful , that 's the trouble , I never know when my boss is suddenly going to bite my head off .
28 If he is so right in offering the ambulance staff 6.5 per cent , if the ambulance staff are so unreasonable in rejecting it , what has he got to be so afraid of in going to arbitration which would end this dispute this afternoon ?
29 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
30 The importance of a complete index was demonstrated to be so important to bureaux workers that plans to cut the reissue of the index from four times a year to three were shortlived .
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