Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] the next " in BNC.

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1 Mitsubishi is expected to be the next Japanese company to begin car manufacture in Europe following in the footsteps of Nissan , Toyota and Honda .
2 Skincare , including cleansers and moisturisers , are expected to be the next big growth area .
3 ( The method considered to be the next fairest — flat-rate charge per person — was preferred by only 14 per cent . )
4 However , his presence at the Treasury keeps the Thatcherite torch alive : he was once tipped to be the next leader but two ; now he could the next leader but one .
5 London Liverpool Street , with 200,000 a day , was thought to be the next busiest .
6 The Mechonoids were intended to be the next ‘ big thing ’ from Doctor Who after the Daleks .
7 He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six .
8 At one time , it had been rumoured that he was being groomed to be the next Commissioner .
9 was proposed and duly elected to be the next Teachers ' Representative .
10 THE FUTURE IS FRENCH France 's Aerospatiale is poised to be the next owner of Piper .
11 In what must now rank as one of the most well worn cliches of modern football , Peter Marinello was dubbed ‘ The Scottish George Best ’ , and with predictable results , the machinery of pop music , fashion and advertising pursued the young Hibernian player as if he was guaranteed to be the next big thing .
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