Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Given these premises , then , and Moffat 's distaste notwithstanding that it would imply ‘ democracies reduced resort monarchy as weapon against Communism ’ , one wonders what else , apart from outright rejection , the US might have done when the French turned towards ex-Emperor Bao Dai : at least as a rallying point for non-communist Vietnamese nationalists and , of course , as someone who might be expected to be more amenable to French influence than Ho Chi Minh .
2 Pupils ' work is generally expected to be more practical , the oral being regarded as of the same importance as the written .
3 If this view is held then it makes sense to borrow funds now at low rates to obviate the need for borrowing later , when funds are expected to be more expensive .
4 Given also the evidence of the weak performance of younger students with more marginal traditional qualifications , it seems likely that if these students gained entry to higher education on the basis of non-traditional qualifications that their success rates might be expected to be more limited .
5 On this theory some potencies would contain more shape-specific molecules than others and some would contain longer chain polymers than others , so some potencies might be expected to be more efficacious than others in treatment .
6 A further advantage of the new index investment trust is that dealings in its shares are expected to be more liquid than in the individual shares of many smaller companies .
7 No layman was expected to be more generous to the church , or was more intimately connected with it , than the head of this Christian society , the king .
8 Tasks representative of criterion 2a would be expected to be more demanding than those for 1a and this was indeed the case .
9 Controlled term indexing languages are claimed to be more consistent and therefore more efficient , but the many tests on indexing languages have failed to prove this convincingly .
10 When set , it is claimed to be more crack-resistant and harder than normal concrete .
11 Although supervision was the most common form of disposal in truancy cases under section 1(2) ( e ) ( and may become even more standard practice under the Children Act 1989 ) , the practice adopted in Leeds magistrates ' court of adjourning such proceedings as a threat to the parents to improve the child 's attendance or else the child might be made the subject of an order , was claimed to be more effective as well as reducing overall levels of local juvenile delinquency .
12 Version 5.0 is claimed to be more portable , with better application programming interfaces : ‘ commercially cleaned up ’ , is how SGI described it .
13 has recently been claimed to be more sensitive than conventional tests , and realiable for quantification of the severity of autonomic nervous system damage .
14 She had previously limited her expression of that disapproval to hints , and to glancing remarks ; now , clearly , she had decided the time had come to be more open .
15 Preference shares , particularly redeemable preference shares , are sometimes considered to be more akin to loan stock than share capital .
16 Hence character combinations that form words are considered to be more probable than character combinations which are not words .
17 There is now a wide variety of hues available , but the deluxe warm white is considered to be more appropriate for people who are visually handicapped than lighting which is blue-white ( Jay , 1978 ) .
18 The private enterprise sheriffs used by the High Court are paid on results and are considered to be more efficient than the public servant County Court bailiffs who get their salaries regardless of results .
19 ‘ We are considered to be more sympathetic , ’ she says .
20 In BR , for example , the new chairman appointed by the transport minister in 1983 was considered to be more sympathetic than his predecessor to the government 's objective of reducing financial support for the railways .
21 As World resources 1988–1989 ( World Resources Institute 1988 ) points out , development of this type was initially considered to be more advantageous than other types of agriculture because it required relatively little new infrastracture , it could utilise abundant available labour and there was an expanding North American market for cheap pasture-reared beef .
22 She has redpointed Ceuse 's Vagabone , which is an excellent effort , especially as it is considered to be more difficult for those of limited height .
23 Therefore , letter strings that form words are considered to be more plausible than letter strings that do not form words .
24 Therefore , word sequences that are grammatically acceptable are considered to be more plausible than word sequences that are grammatically unacceptable .
25 Therefore , word sequences that are semantically acceptable are considered to be more plausible than word sequences that are not semantically acceptable .
26 Some differences were observed between the results obtained using ELISA and those with dot assay , which is considered to be more sensitive than ELISA .
27 These low amplitude propagated contractions are reported to be more frequent .
28 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
29 Kids were reckoned to be more sophisticated , these days .
30 We 've decided to be more flexible about how we organise the lessons . ’
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