Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] like [det] " in BNC.

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1 I was paid good money for 3½ years to do something about the problems of North Shields and a particular component of doing something was describing what things were like , giving an account of how they had come to be like this , and attempting to understand why the process had happened as it had .
2 You 've had to be like that all the time , otherwise you feel like you ai n't getting there , they 're getting the better of you , like … ’ cos you listen , do n't you , when you 've had the baby they are supposed to help you and advise you , so you take all their … but then you can only take so much , and you think these must be the mad ones , like .
3 Bound to be like that .
4 Most action was bound to be like this — a span , long or short , in which one did nothing — could do nothing except be at the mercy of one 's nerves — and then the moment , the test …
5 It is part of the natural spontaneity of the action , and it is bound to be like this . ’
6 Meant to be like that . ’
7 It 's not meant to be like that .
8 You 're not meant to do that , it 's not meant to be like that .
9 ‘ It was n't meant to be like this . ’
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