Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The sleek hull of a Viking boat was specially designed to be shallow enough and narrow enough for use on navigable rivers , along which Norsemen brought fire and the sword .
2 Each segment is designed to be small enough to be covered by the salesperson during one day 's work .
3 The degree programme is designed to be flexible enough to allow emphasis on language or literature depending on preference .
4 Alternatively , production arrangements may be designed to be flexible enough to supply target markets in a large number of relatively small and specialised niches , such as in the market for industrial or aviation control systems .
5 The problem was resolved by writing our own information retrieval program which met most of the requirements as they then existed and , with much thought being given on the subject , was designed to be flexible enough to cater for the majority of future needs .
6 But there are now synthetic fibres on the market which are specially designed to be light yet very warm .
7 At the same time , a vuggy porosity was also created in the lower unit of carbonate mudstones but this was found to have resulted from the dissolution of patches and veins of replacement halite ( Fig. 29b and c ) and as such can not be expected to be present away from the areas where replacement has occurred .
8 However , the recovery is not expected to be strong enough to enable total visitor numbers for 1991 to surpass 1990 's record of 1.4 million .
9 If cash flows are expected to be predictable then there will be no special virtue in liquidity and you would earn a higher rate of interest from a straightforward money market deposit .
10 Each sub-unit is assumed to behave like an entropy spring and is expected to be large enough to realize a Gaussian distribution of segments ( i.e.> 50 carbon atoms ) .
11 He is expected to be fit again within eight weeks , but faces regular physiotherapy and has been ordered to rest completely .
12 And the human species can not be considered to be eternal either , as we know it did not always exist in its present form , nor can we expect it to have an infinite existence .
13 Finally the density ρ c of the crystalline phase is considered to be uniform throughout but different from that of the melt ρ L .
14 Recent reports have argued that the presence of ectopic endometrium may be physiological and should be considered to be pathological only if associated with symptoms or signs of progression and tissue damage .
15 These environmental objections were considered to be serious enough to outweigh the economic benefits of allowing the proposal .
16 The company has not offered its staff very much by way of incentives and perquisites in the past , and salaries are considered to be average rather than generous .
17 Erm the other point of course , this is raised in matter B , as it 's written is it considered to be restrictive too restrictive er and third and secondly , is it giving you er guidance which properly reflects national guidance .
18 Given the changes over the previous decade , a further review of the size and distribution of the Leicestershire residential care sector was considered to be essential both to set an information baseline before the implementation of the National Health Service and Community Care Act and to document changes in the demography and levels of dependency of the residential care population .
19 They are not considered to be non-viable either on the grounds of their isolation and remoteness from the communities they serve , or on the grounds that they are physically falling into a state of dilapidation .
20 If usual hygiene practices are not considered to be adequate then the nurse may need to explain tactfully what is required .
21 If a situation is deemed to be inequitable then it is in principle possible to redistribute income according to some appropriate canon of equity .
22 Following this reduction to a less serious ' offence , sentencing policy seems to be that the offence of taking vehicles without consent is not in isolation deemed to be serious enough to attract a custodial sentence .
23 That is , a question involving calculation was deemed to be practical only if it involved a real-life situation .
24 Only if the social costs of such a strategy , in terms of mental illness , vandalism , etc. , were deemed to be high enough , might it be economically efficient to subsidise firms to take on such labour .
25 If Zuwaya disliked policemen as a category , and took pride in not being related to any , that was in part because in the past ordinary people got their main experience of corruption and venality in the first instance from the police , and that reputation stuck ; and partly also because they recognized that policemen had divided loyalties and could not be trusted to be loyal exclusively to their kinsmen .
26 In any case the State Department was uncertain about the nature of the Vietminh 's communist connections — ‘ possibly in indirect touch with Moscow and direct touch with Yenan ’ — and French influence was reckoned to be important not only as an antidote to Soviet influence but also to protect Vietnam and Southeast Asia from ‘ future Chinese imperialism ’ .
27 That term was automatically held to be satisfied when the effects on the interests of the individual were felt to be serious enough to warrant procedural protection , and this was so whether the context was deprivation of an office , expulsion from a trade association , the destruction of one 's property , or the loss of something which would juridically be called a privilege .
28 In this way , individual operations can be shaped to be realistic rather than at odds with the likely outcome .
29 Yet , as Mary Ainsworth ( 1969 ) points out in relation to the concept of attachment between mother and child ( monkeys included ) , a mental or physiological condition can be said to be present even when it is not visible in behaviour .
30 But surely there are no acts of introspection " that could in any intelligible sense be said to be identifiable independently of their objects , analogous to " acts of extrospection " .
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