Example sentences of "[vb pp] in the [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Mr Christie , a Bairns supporter , who lives in Falkirk , was approached in the hope that he could bring some stability to the Premier Division side 's warring board .
2 A Member who has not yet made his maiden speech should not even be mentioned , far less attacked in the way that the hon. Gentleman is cynically going about it .
3 With this remarkable period of intensive work behind him , Miller again stressed in the Preface that he had not advanced anything but what he had found fully convincing in his own experience .
4 One thing that we did was find that there were molecules much , much bigger than was expected in the sense that there were many , many more carbon atoms involved than had previously been thought possible , and even now we just do not understand the processes whereby they are formed .
5 Mr Kinnock is not obliged to include Mr McNamara in his first Cabinet but it is widely expected in the province that the Liverpool-born Roman Catholic would assume the portfolio that he has shadowed for more than five years .
6 It was claimed in the indictment that Mackie , an investment analyst with the Edinburgh stockbrokers , Bell Lawrie White , counselled and procured two salesmen in his firm to deal in Shanks & McEwan securities on the London Stock Exchange .
7 If the number of managerial jobs does not continue expanding , more and more men may become trapped in the way that female clerks already are .
8 ‘ It was then reported in the Press that Millwall wanted me fired from the station , ’ explained Baker , who insisted Rioch was the ‘ worst-ever ’ Lions manager .
9 It was recently reported in the Press that Ivo Peters , the distinguished railway photographer , died on the 7th of June .
10 ‘ It was reported in the Press that Peter Sebastian has an American fiancée . ’
11 The Security Service reported in the war that the IFL was mainly subsidised by Leese 's private means and that the largest individual contribution , by a Colonel Macdonald of Brussels in the period for which cash books were found between September 1930 and August 1933 and from June 1937 to November 1938 , was only £5 per month with a special donation from him of £50 in November 1938 .
12 Indeed , by this time he was so immersed in the project that , as his close companion of the time , Lady Sackville , pointed out , he was not paying nearly enough attention to either her , or his work on Britannic House for the Anglo Iranian Oil Co .
13 Genealogy develops the possibility broached in the Archaeology that in a general history different significances can be accorded to events , depending on ‘ their correlation with other previous or simultaneous events , discursive or not ’ .
14 why I , I wanted to go around with you , but I wanted you , what I was thinking of when I was sat in the car that you , when you come back you could take me round when you 've been round
15 A provision could therefore be included in the contract that the buyer has not made its purpose known , has relied exclusively on its own skill and judgment , or that the seller claims no expertise in relation to the suitability of the goods for any stated purpose .
16 Shocked , she stared disbelievingly at the receding back of Doctor Anderson , and wondered what had been contained in the message that had made a member of the staff drop everything in such an unprofessional way .
17 In 1944 , as we have seen , it was presumed that the best minds must be educated in the way that was traditional , by means of the grammar school curriculum , based originally on the classics and mathematics , gradually expanded , before the war , to include modern languages and experimental sciences .
18 You will remember that he thought that contextual features might be considered in the way that general phonetic features are considered : sometimes , but not always relevant , and specifiable to variable degrees of delicacy for different purposes ( 2.2 .
19 Although the human operator is for many purposes within ergonomics appropriately considered as a mere information processing device , any design issue must be considered in the context that these human operators are individuals and citizens within communities .
20 The functional interpretation of our data , however , should be considered in the context that the contribution of surface phospholipid to the total phospholipid content of the biopsy specimens is relatively small .
21 These issues of survival and quality of life have to be further considered in the light that all such patients in this series who did not receive a suitable donor organ died during their hospital admission .
22 Freedom is not something that can be asserted in opposition to law ; it is the residue of conduct permitted in the sense that no statute or common-law rule prohibits it .
23 The first assumption originated in the fact that because Morgan had made a special study of the Iroquois , where the status of women is comparatively high , he assumed uncritically that this high status would be found among other people at a similar level of technological advancement .
24 It is an aspect of self-determination : the point is conceded in the fact that suicide is no longer an offence , and it should therefore follow that consent to injury should negative any offence .
25 By 1970 the former was negotiating an ambitious first degree scheme with the CNAA , which was explained by the Vice-Provost as more fully meeting the needs of students , employers and society , and was presented in the belief that ‘ polytechnics should develop a degree pattern which includes an increasing amount of interdisciplinary study ’ .
26 Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in policies and decisions affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health
27 Indeed , the Aboriginal communities have been so disenfranchised in the past that giving them a say in decisions and policies affecting them is seen as a key element in improving their health .
28 In fact , the whole discipline will become more applied in the sense that the emphasis will be shifted from laboratory studies , which seek to isolate variables in the abstract , towards being a social science , which examines socially shared beliefs , or social representations , in their actual social context .
29 She was so absorbed in the task that she hardly noticed time passing .
30 There could 've been something there , someone I 'd met in the past that might open another door . ’
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