Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [noun sg] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The positive heuristic indicates how the hard core is to be supplemented in order for it to be capable of explaining and predicting real phenomena .
2 James V ordered that the Crown of Scotland be remodelled in time for him to wear it at the coronation of his second Queen , Mary of Guise-Lorraine , at Holyrood Abbey in February 1540 .
3 ‘ PC Allen ’ is steamed up at Page 's Park shed in readiness for its return to passenger service on June 20 .
4 Whether this was all done in preparation for his wedding is not certain , but in 1744 he married a daughter of Richard Osborne from neighbouring Wortley House .
5 And are you sure that you can get your bit done in time for him to continue ?
6 The group consisted of pensions administrator , ( previously featured in LINK for her photographic wizardry ) , four brave young ladies from the Key Street and Lower Brook Street offices and an editor in tow — to jot down the details .
7 Correspondingly , the break-up of such a relationship frequently causes such severe emotional pain that the old addictive substance or behaviour is sought in desperation for its mood-altering effect .
8 ‘ Cyprus ’ is synonymous with — copper ’ , and the island was celebrated in antiquity for its mines .
9 Russell does n't know what we 've got in store for him yet !
10 We spoke to leading hairdressers up and down the country to find out just what they 've got in store for you this year .
11 Pity for his children was engulfed in pity for himself .
12 This scheme will be used in future for it provides an opportunity for the genuine fan who attends games against less glamorous opposition not to lose out in the real crowd pullers .
13 She was advised that formal evidence would have to be called in order for her to form an opinion under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 as to whether the defendant should be remanded in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , and that accordingly the hearing would in effect be a trial and would require to be heard before at least two justices .
14 Because they choose their words too carefully , jealously control their meanings , and if they 're sussed enough to believe in ambiguities and contradictions you can be sure each one is carefully mounted in position for you , the listener .
15 Verses 48–54 record the army 's special offering given in gratitude for their safe return .
16 The constitution of Convocation might be altered in order for it to be open to those obtaining recognised qualifications other than degrees , or those obtaining approved qualifications moderated by the University .
17 Up to £500 for additional travel and hotel expenses for one person to collect your vehicle if the repairs are not completed in time for your return home .
18 Twenty-six year old Paul Ferguson was remanded in custody for his own protection by Aylesbury Magistrates .
19 The Josephson junction , based on superconducting effects described and explained in work for which Cambridge physicist Brian Josephson won a Nobel prize in 1973 , is also the subject of much research .
20 Castleford-born Goodway , who won 23 caps for Great Britain , was registered in time for him to play in tomorrow 's big championship opener with St Helens .
21 The plantation director was standing on an upturned crate that had been placed in position for him beneath the light , and despite the early hour he was already wearing his customary pitch helmet , the sleeves of his bush shirt were rolled high on his brown muscular arms and he was bare-legged in shorts , heavy jungle boots and short thick socks .
22 Then he remembered that the cottage had been sold , the money placed in trust for his father 's mother , the income paying the fees of the nursing home where she sat all day rocking herself in a wheelchair — Alzheimer 's disease .
23 It was decided that whilst Reginald should go free , the unfortunate Margery should herself be placed in custody for her false appeal .
24 It would mean accepting that an assault could exist without any of the elements which comprise that term ; no one would , for example , have to be placed in fear for their bodily safety .
25 One can not , in other words , argue from the premise that people may disagree as to whether a person was in fact placed in fear for their bodily safety , to the conclusion that a decision-maker can have untrammelled power to decide whether such an apprehension is indeed a constituent part of the offence at all .
26 The charges included his acceptance of a commission following the completion of SOMISA 's purchase , at well above market prices , of new offices which were then lavishly decorated at a time when the state company 's workforce was being dramatically reduced in preparation for its privatization in 1992 [ see p. 38527 ] .
27 Yet the tone of her telephone call to Swans ' Meadow had implied she knew nothing of Samantha 's abduction — or of what her kidnappers had demanded in return for her release .
28 They had to be demanded in principle for everybody .
29 We had to write up the parrot sketch in English and this French translated in French for us .
30 Six weeks were spent in preparation for my new role .
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