Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [noun sg] of things " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In some ways , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ Python does look very old-fashioned now , yet when I arranged a compilation of all 45 shows for the BBC I found that we had on the Not The Nine O ’ Clock News unintentionally pinched a number of things , putting the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous TV interviews .
2 We have done a number of things internally in the store which have also contributed to us going forward .
3 He 's done a lot of things .
4 You 've done a lot of things in your political — not to mention your private — life of which I doubt that you 're especially proud of .
5 We 've done a lot today you know we 've done a lot of things about fractions and a lot of things about adding , subtracting , times , sharing quite a lot .
6 Well , erm , the answer there is that , I think we 've done a lot of things for carers who are concerned with children .
7 He 's also done a lot of things with his
8 Sheila Cooper has prepared a sheet of things to colour or do related to the theme of the Sunday Mass .
9 Sheila Cooper has prepared a sheet of things to colour or do related to the theme of the Sunday Mass .
10 ‘ But I admit that I 've said a lot of things in the deliberate hope of hurting or humiliating you , and that was one of them . ’
11 It is easy to sympathise with a traveller who writes : ‘ I have seen a quantity of things here — churches , palaces , statues , fountains and pictures ; and my brain is at the moment like the portfolio of an architect , or a print-shop , or a common-place book . ’
12 I think she must have seen a lot of things at that time which had made her the way she was , seen things in the blackout and in the underground stations .
13 ‘ I have seen a lot of things in my life , Elizabeth Burrows , but I never thought to see this .
14 I 'm not really computer literate , I 've probably made a botch of things , and will most certainly use incorrect terminology ; please forgive !
15 Finally , if the model is low and slow and you think you have made a mess of things , remember that ‘ chickening out ’ and switching off the ‘ hold ’ will probably just produce a more expensive crash !
16 ‘ Oh dear , Riley , we have made a mess of things , have n't we ? ’ said Linley unkindly .
17 ‘ I 'm sorry I nearly made a mess of things . ’
18 None of them has made a hash of things like the British government .
19 I 've got a couple of things to do . ’
20 ‘ I 've got a couple of things to do , first .
21 I 've got a couple of things .
22 I 've got a couple of things I 'd really like to mention if no-one else has got anything .
23 As I mentioned in the chapter on ‘ Teachers ’ , the Bible has got a lot of things to say about how we get on with other people .
24 It does make it worse and if you 've got a lot of things that you 're supposed to be doing , you just think well I ca n't do all of them .
25 I 've got a I 've got a lot of things to talk about so
26 But he said he 's got a lot of things to go through before he
27 Oh I have got a lot of things .
28 Oh well I 've got a lot of things to tell you .
29 Oh , why do n't you make what you 've got cos you 've got a lot of things to make at the moment , and then come back and choose another time , hm .
30 Well you 've got a lot of things to do and as I say erm , I thought I 'll only go for half an hour , but I did n't really come
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