Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adj] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We have got a clever one here .
2 I 'm surprised it has n't got a digital one actually .
3 Got a long one here .
4 You 've got a good one there . ’
5 I 've got a new one tonight , I do n't know how we 're gon na cope with this , we 've got , we 've changed schemes now , we 're into the Oxford
6 I was about three then , but I 've got a new one now .
7 You 've got a new one now at nursery ?
8 ‘ My ! my ! we 've got a learned one here . ’
9 If we if they were n't as quick as you are like that working that out what you could try is say well I 've given them one each there 's the four people one two three four right you 've all got a whole one so you can start eating that while I sort out how I 'm gon na share this out .
10 If everybody who bought a foreign car in the last ten years had bought a British one instead , there would n't be seventeen per cent unemployment in this area . ’
11 On one level there 's this analogy , this pattern about history that we 've been talking about but er is Freud 's attempt to explain Jewish er culture in terms of a , of a general pattern of history , of course there are many other examples and Mike has suggested a brilliant one here .
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