Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
2 The event was cancelled and now it seems we may never see what Daf Leyland had planned for the future .
3 He 's , well not necessarily made his mind but you can suggest that he might , may have done and also it seems that Alfiera is slightly half hearted in the way he erm like tries to convince Eddie cos it seems that i it , I get the feeling that Alfiera already knows and just thinking well there 's no point in getting really het up about it , so he , he tries , he says look it 's not a good idea but in the end
4 Er without being an actuary I say to myself that 's a pretty magical thing you 've done and then it causes you to start looking at the monetary background of all of that an and again I I 'm , I 'm speaking here largely on what actuarial advice we are beginning to receive .
5 The attachment of importance to some and not other concepts within a particular theory is generally a reflection of certain underlying assumptions held by a theory about how society as a whole is organized and how it changes .
6 I think in general terms , we were having a discussion only the other day , and thinking of possible applications of one form of another of microprocessors , only very generally I might add , but if we thought of an application which would save paying someone 's salary on a weekly or monthly basis , then that would be attractive for obvious reasons , you know , that the sort of when one totals up wages and salaries over a full year then that 's a significant saving to be made and therefore it justifies the initial investment cost in whatever the system might be .
7 They , they painted there house a year ago and they 've done it again this year , you ca n't tell where it 's stopped and where it 's done , do you know what I mean .
8 But this enthusiasm swiftly evaporated and soon it became difficult to find anyone who was satisfied with it , let alone enthusiastic .
9 Stains on fabric and leather had yielded to chemical analysis to reveal the exact chemical components of the explosive ; the extent of burn- and impact-deterioration had shown him how much was used , where it had been placed and how it had been triggered .
10 stuffed and then it had sequins sewn and that .
11 I 've gone round the car twice , I thought , that ai n't stopped but I did , you do n't realise it 's stopped cos I did n't hear the bib bib bib bib bib there 's so much foam anyway you do n't realise there 's none coming out the like fine dribbles coming out of fucking put the back , put the jets bit on he rinsed it all down just about got it rinsed and then it gives you like erm a blob like a wax blob , so I put that on there I thought
12 about this bra top thing she 's got and how it 's got a hole in it and she was trying to think back how it got this hole in it and she remembered that Mark put his fingers through it
13 It could not be called and therefore it falls .
14 It 's typical Which , Problems with Wills I think it was called and then it came in the paper as Where There 's a Will there 's a Bill .
15 Perdita listened to her mother grinding gears and going on and on and on about how marvellously Perdita had played and how it had been the proudest moment of her life , and how everyone from Rupert to Brigadier Canford said what a great future she had and Drew this and Drew that .
16 In the morning , body temperature is being raised and so it tends to be slightly lower than required .
17 As we said in the last chapter , the Church is well placed to give a positive message at this time , to speak of how mortality is understood and how it fits in with the Christian message of salvation .
18 Its lifetime is no longer restricted and so it travels quite freely within the black hole .
19 But once employed as capital that money stays there , it 's stuck and hopefully it earns money but it 's stuck there forever until the sale of that asset is is a achieved .
20 That the court can take such an initiative is well settled and indeed it has been done on several occasions in the past .
21 The Labour party has opposed every tax cut that we have introduced and now it threatens to raise taxes if we cut them .
22 He says if it 's not cut down it literally chokes the jungle and so every four or five years the mangrove is cut and then it grows again like a blackthorn or hawthorn hedge would grow .
23 Then there was the controversy over how many centuries Gooch had scored and eventually it meant that the ton Gooch scored against India Under-25s at Cuttack at the end of last month was , in fact , the 99th , and not the magical 100th .
24 As I say sometimes it was it was er it worked and sometimes it did n't .
25 In the small hours of the next morning , when they were back at La Gracieuse , after dancing her feet raw with Sam , with Rodet , and with half of Normandy , she told John what had happened and how it had come about .
26 The installation of the thirty-nine rooms conveys , both in how it has been structured and how it has been hung , a preoccupation with the need to avoid repetition and to hold the attention of visitors .
27 Anyone joining an organisation needs to find out quickly how the organisation is structured and how it works .
28 The difference this time is that it is someone they personally loved and therefore it takes on an importance quite different from any event they may have witnessed before .
29 In 1970 an agreement was reached between British Waterways Board , Leicestershire County Council , and the Leicestershire Branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England to make part of the site accessible to the public and , so far as possible , to clear sufficient of the track to enable people to get some idea of how the system had been constructed and how it operated .
30 Each victim has to be tracked and killed and yet it provides only a small meal .
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