Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
2 Miss Fogerty assured her that nothing would be disclosed and slipped out of the side door .
3 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
4 Questionnaires and check sheets were designed and sent out to internal users of the system , clients and other Wood Group sites .
5 Through benefit inquiry line and forms designed and checked out with disability and welfare rights groups , people are given the opportunity to claim benefits to which they are entitled .
6 At a point with ‘ Arc ’ I said ‘ OK , we 're off and we 're flying , this is distorted and grunged out to the max ’ .
7 Senior backbencher Sir Marcus Fox said : ‘ There is a feeling he has been hounded and forced out of office . ’
8 The ‘ traditional ’ settlement pattern in the area is varied and developed out of topographical constraint , patterns of land tenure and the exigencies of agriculture .
9 Attacked and driven out by men , Giant Wolves have allied with Goblin tribes .
10 When Georges Braque , badly wounded and invalided out of the infantry , came back to Paris in 1917 , Marie Wassilieff gave a banquet for him at her canteen .
11 He worked for the British Ministry of Information in New York during 1915 , returning to England in 1916 to enlist with the Irish Guards , but was wounded and invalided out in 1917 .
12 The coroner 's jury had even brought in a sensational verdict , that ‘ the murder was organised and carried out by the Royal Irish Constabulary , officially directed by the British Government , and we return a verdict of wilful murder against David Lloyd George , Prime Minister of England … . ’
13 He said her name aloud , though it was someone else 's voice that was cracked and whispering out of his throat .
14 The visitors turned and filed out of the room , realising that the conversation had come to an end .
15 If I 'd turned and walked out of the Moebius Strip , none of this would have happened .
16 In a battle that the Poles called the ‘ Miracle on the Wisła ’ the Red Army was defeated and chased out of Poland .
17 The technical process by which items are selected and tried out on a large group of children is referred to as the process of standardisation and the group of children is referred to as the standardisation sample .
18 Each valve or combination of valves , therefore , produces not a single note but a whole series of possible notes , the one required at any moment being selected and coaxed out by the player , who must therefore ‘ feel ’ the required note before he actually produces it .
19 I am not talking of municipal autonomy — they almost have that — but of self-rule as is written and spelled out in the Camp David accords " .
20 The release is written and sent out in a blanket mailing of all the media outlets on the PR department " Press List " and the PR sits back and thinks the job well done .
21 The sentence and punishment is decided and carried out in private .
22 That moment of clarity could be all too brief , later twisted and defined out of existence by clever lawyers when the criminal came to court .
23 The sawmills were built and fitted out by Sir Marc Brunel , father of Isambard Kingdom Brunel ( q.v . ) .
24 Old Donald looked at her , shocked and her son straightened as though lashed and flung out of the house .
25 Pieces were collected and laid out in what was thought to be their correct positions .
26 She requested all telexes to be collected and sent out to her each week .
27 Off-cuts of ‘ interesting ’ woods or ornate wooden strips for picture frames can be collected and put out to be handled , looked at and talked about .
28 Erm the point that both the others raised about my objection with the large document and my objection regarding what you were going to do with the information you could have apacked and come out with a stronger result .
29 The roots of the World Tree were shaken by his writhings , and the old Gods stirred and marched out to Ragnarok .
30 The figure stirred and moved out of the shadows towards them .
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