Example sentences of "[vb pp] the [noun] of an " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , as some kind of consciousness of this has filtered through , so we have witnessed the rise of an unincorporated politics of protest as a challenge to the incorporated politics of order and control .
2 The development division has witnessed the end of an era with the disbanding of the team of clerks of works .
3 I have always resented the imposition of an alien culture , whether European or otherwise , on the indigenous inhabitants .
4 One difficulty is caused by Pascal 's lack of the facility available in ALGOL68 and Ada whereby a constant can be assigned the value of an expression .
5 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
6 Parents , who have no right to prevent an assessment , must be informed of the LEA 's proposal to assess the child , given the name of an officer of the LEA from whom further advice may be obtained , and notified of the right to make representations ( orally or in writing ) within a minimum period of 29 days from service of notice by the LEA .
7 One person in each team is then given the name of an item that someone might buy while out shopping such as : carrots , a newspaper , a magazine , fish , jam , cheese and bananas .
8 is to give a prospective employer a brief resumé of your education , qualifications , training , experience , strengths and successes so that you will be given the chance of an interview .
9 An expert appointed to resolve all disputes under a construction contract will need to be given the powers of an arbitrator to review certificates issued under the contract , because an expert would not have those powers any more than the court does , unless the parties agree : Northern Regional Health Authority v Derek Crouch Construction Co Ltd [ 1984 ] 1 QB 644 , and 8.4.3 .
10 Where an expert is resolving disputes under a construction contract he will need to be given the powers of an arbitrator to review certificates issued under the contract by the architect or engineer .
11 Cost may be seen as the ultimate control in choosing a microcomputer and certain ranges of microcomputer e.g. hard disk units may be out of reach given the budget of an individual school or school library although the new Amstrad PC1512 offers a 20mb hard disk for under 11,000 .
12 Given the existence of an aggregate production function of the form , an expression for the logarithm of output can be obtained by substituting equation ( 5.29 ) into equation ( 5.28 ) and then substituting the resulting equation into the production function .
13 Mrs Thatcher is being given the honour of an invitation to the President 's private retreat at Camp David , in the Maryland hills north of Washington .
14 Default in the payment of interest or capital are not crystallising events although , given the validity of an automatic crystallising clause , there is no objection in principle to a charge by its terms being made to crystallise on the happening of a stipulated event of default .
15 Even though weekends now unofficially end on Monday night , few of these recently elongated rest periods have actually justified the inclusion of an extra day .
16 Claims that LTP is associated with a specific increase in the AMPA receptor-mediated component of the synaptic response , have formed the basis of an argument for a purely postsynaptic change , on the assumption that a presynaptic change would result in a similar increase in both AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated components .
17 I 'd heard the voice of an angel — and when a meeting was eventually arranged between David and myself , through NEMS ' who were handling both of us at the time , I expected a very pimply youth to be standing there .
18 ANDREW Lloyd-Webber has joined the jury of an architectural competition .
19 In Mexico , where revolution had antedated the Russian uprising by seven years , the establishment of a bourgeois ' republic in the 1917 Constitution of Querétaro had highlighted the lack of an effective organisation of the working-class .
20 The vendor 's agent disclosed the amount of an offer made by one potential purchaser to another .
21 He has won the equivalent of an Oscar — the ads were voted Britain 's favourite commercial last year in a Marketing magazine survey .
22 The haircut would have won the approval of an army officer and similar clothes could be seen in the windows of men 's outfitters in any high street , but the body inside them was unmistakably female .
23 There are those , too , who have attacked the idea of an expanded role for teachers on much narrower grounds .
24 The Bandung communiqué had stressed the urgency of an early solution , and strong Afro — Asian support was expressed for the Indonesian case at the UN though eventually the familiar device of a Good Offices Commission was accepted .
25 Other controversial congressional decisions had included the granting of an amnesty to Bucaram 's brother , former presidential candidate Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz [ see p. 36343 ] , who had been accused of corruption when mayor of Guayaquil ; and the dismissal of 16 Supreme Court judges on Oct. 5 .
26 At seven the news bulletin brought a report of a motorway collision which had claimed the lives of an entire family travelling north for Christmas , and of prison riots that had ignited in Bristol and Manchester , with inmates claiming that presents from loved ones had been tampered with and destroyed by prison officers .
27 To such details may be added the evidence of an episcopal coinage which appears in the late sixth century .
28 It costs £219.00 but to this must be added the price of an energiser , the SRD-6SB ( £99.00 ) which uses a step-up transformer and rectifies part of the audio signal to produce the required DC bias ( 230V ) .
29 When pecuniary losses are added the outcome of an assessment of the plaintiff 's damage may be that it is worth , say , between £8,000 and £10,500 .
30 An Oxford graduate , Shearman brought skilled professionalism to the role — the first occasion on which the District had enjoyed the benefit of an academically well qualified tutor with experience as a WEA tutor and someone with considerable administrative talents derived from his war service experience .
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