Example sentences of "[vb pp] back from [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He wore the usual faded , dun-coloured every-day clothes of the peasant and labourer , coarse woollen chausses and short homespun tunic , with a capuchon pushed back from his head and dangling at his back ; but the belt that circled his hips was of finely-tooled leather , and had straps to attach both sword and dagger , though he wore neither ; and his boots were knee-high , and also of soft leather , no doubt hand-worked somewhere in Wales , from native deerskin .
2 Her straw bonnet had a large brim which was usually turned back from her face , but today she did n't want people looking at her grief so she had tipped the brim down .
3 Her hair , drawn back from her face into a chignon , was iron-grey , and there were deep lines around her nose and mouth .
4 She was small , obviously frail , with silvery-white hair drawn back from her face and secured in a knot at the nape of her neck .
5 Agnes had taken a smaller one ; she had just got back from her service 's registry .
6 Of course , we have only just got back from our honeymoon . ’
7 Her hair is tied back from her face and held by a long white lacy ribbon , but tumbles down loose behind .
8 Above the Company uniform her waves of lustrous brown hair were pinned back from her face but it did n't hide the fact that she was also some kind of tower .
9 The hood had slipped back from his head when he fell , by the way it lay bunched in his neck .
10 Her hear , damp from the bath , had been pulled back from her face , giving it a very youthful expression .
11 In addition , Intasun has pulled back from its initial moves into the hotel market .
12 Benny usually went home around four-thirty unless the boss offered him some overtime , and Joe Maitland had not arrived back from his buying trip .
13 She could be pretty , she decided , if her hair were not so tightly scraped back from her face and if her eyes shone with eagerness , as they did at this moment .
14 Her faded blonde hair was scraped back from her face into a bun , her skin was pale and dry .
15 But with part of her mind — the part that had stood back from their embrace — she was dimly aware that she had almost wanted to believe the worst .
16 Turning down offers of work , Crawford took a rest after six exhausting years , during which he had bounced back from his film disappointments to become one of Britain 's top television and stage stars .
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