Example sentences of "[vb pp] only a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dissenters normally formed only a minority of townsmen but they were often an influential one .
2 For the world of the established bourgeois was also considered to be basically insecure , a state of war in which they might at any moment become the casualties of competition , fraud or economic slump , though in practice the businessmen who were thus vulnerable probably formed only a minority of the middle classes , and the penalty of failure was rarely manual labour , let alone the workhouse .
3 Is the Minister aware that 18 schools in the Cleveland authority area were built before 1914 and that in the current financial year Cleveland has received only a quarter of its capital allocation ?
4 The 1900 Secession exhibition was significantly international , but still included only a minority of avant-garde paintings .
5 This is especially true of those , often identified as burgi , which protected only a very small part of the settlement ( p. 35 below ) ; but even where larger areas were enclosed , most included only a fraction of the total , as for example at Catterick , Ilchester and Water Newton , where the inhabited extra-mural areas extended for considerable distances .
6 The village has attracted only a trickle of visitors .
7 Long considered only a maker of images , it is quite apparent from the Hayward Gallery 's exhibition that he is a craftsman of extraordinary technical facility , capable of luscious passages of brushwork , occasionally using thick impasto for expressive effects and employing his own distinctive and changing palette .
8 While the fundamentals of caddying may not have changed since Skip Daniels and Gene Sarazen strode the Prince 's links , the financial aspect has : whereas a caddie in the 1930s might have earned only a pittance for sharing an Open success , the modern-day caddie earns a healthy basic wage on the European tour , and can look forward to a percentage of the winnings .
9 The excavation of the villa , directed by Marisa de Spagnolis , has so far revealed only a portion of a room decorated with wall paintings most of the remains lie under the soil of an adjoining property .
10 He was Professor of Architecture at University College London and had himself built only a handful of buildings .
11 Robert Hooke urges in his Micrographia that ‘ the science of nature has already too long been made only a work of the brain and fancy : It is now high time that it should return to the plainness and soundness of observations on material and obvious things . ’
12 I have made only a couple of minor claims over the period in question .
13 She has made only a handful of films in the past 20 years .
14 England full-back Charles and Scottish Under-21 international Wilson , who have made only a handful of appearances between them this season , play for the reserves against Sheffield Wednesday .
15 Ellie tried to imagine how her mother must have felt as she had left Ireland by boat , to sail the Atlantic and marry a man she had met only a handful of times .
16 My initial instinct is to move a couple of hundred yards or so but some of my most memorable catches have occurred when I have moved only a couple of swims further down the drain .
17 Perhaps it is fortunate that the fossil record preserved only a fraction of the truly stupendous total number of species that must have lived since the Cambrian , for otherwise the scientists ' task to catalogue 600 million years of life would be an impossible one .
18 Conservative Members have had only a fraction of the time in this debate .
19 The season began in January in Brazil and prior to that he had had only a couple of rainy test-sessions at Silverstone .
20 But after the Salzburg concert I had been offered only a kind of ‘ trial ’ , just one performance of someone else 's production .
21 The echidna , Australia 's spiny anteater , protects itself by digging rapidly downwards until its soft underside is completely hidden and its enemy is offered only a sea of powerful , sharp spikes .
22 He has played only a handful of games since breaking down with back trouble in St Lucia while touring his native West Indies with England in 1990 .
23 It is just too important a match to blood a player , who upto now has played only a handful of internationals .
24 Agreement was reached only a couple of days before the show , after negotiations between BSkyB , Astra , Philips , the Eureka project handling HDTV and UK satellite receiver manufacturer Pace .
25 Although the extremes of the personality cult had probably gripped only a minority of the population , it was a minority with power and influence .
26 Yesterday the administrators of Maxwell 's private estate , estimated to be worth £8 million , revealed they had recovered only a quarter of that amount .
27 Amsterdam is such a lovely and compact city that if two or three days is all you have you will be able to get around the city and all the major sights without difficulty — but you will have gained only a glimpse of all the attractions on offer .
28 The imagination must replace the lost steeples : the NE chapel of St Sepulchre , topped with the chapel of St Pancras , survives in its transeptal position , but the matching SE chapel of St Mary has lost its upper storey : the adjoining chapel of St Augustine to the W , and its upper chapel of St Michael , are now only crags ; the Bishop 's tower at the NW , late and ill-built , has fallen in , though some of its elevation remains ; and the SW tower of St John has left only a matrix on the W wall .
29 Given the likelihood that in a CSW team there is both a tendency to keep files open to reflect the ‘ streetwork ’ and informal contact that is maintained , and a probability that intervention will occur prior to demands for day or residential care , the strategy adopted may have identified only a minority of the cases actually dealt with .
30 She had taken only a couple of steps when in her haste she missed her footing .
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