Example sentences of "[vb pp] because of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In [ 13 ] this effect is accentuated because of the succession of stressed syllables ( " -creet door clicked shut " ) , and because of the accompanying clattering of consonants , especially the stops /k/ , /t ) , and /d ) .
2 Workers in Japan do tend to have fewer employers in the course of their career than in the West even though the comparison is somewhat distorted because of the concentration of lifetime guarantees in the large firm sector .
3 But a proposed clause in the new act to disallow for quota any film of low standard of production and entertainment value was dropped because of the difficulties involved in determining which films should be excluded .
4 It was also close to the end of the shift and this legal reduction prevented them having to ‘ go over ’ , as well as getting them out of considerable paperwork later , and road traffic accidents are particularly disliked because of the amount of paperwork they involve .
5 Mr de Soto 's early association with Mr Vargas ' alliance , the Democratic Front , has cooled because of the economist 's suspicion that the novelist is being compromised by his allies .
6 All sounds from outside were muffled because of the dock being partly below ground level , set into the slope of the bank , but in a short while I heard the sound of a car door slamming and after that the noise of an engine starting up and being driven away .
7 The process of asking questions about the whole range of EPH activities , although revealing a number of minor problems , was eventually discontinued because of the time involved in trying to cover all aspects of the database .
8 The manufacture of flannel had been discontinued because of the growth of the textile industry in the large towns — and the consequent loss of markets where it could be sold without loss .
9 As Jesus says , it was permitted because of the hardness of men 's hearts .
10 This INSET scheme centred on the Humanities department but the effect there was minimized because of the loss of experienced staff to other schools .
11 The latter practice was discouraged because of the damage it could cause to the roof of the tunnel .
12 The government 's embarrassment was increased when Lord Marshall , chairman of National Power , resigned because of the climbdown .
13 In this experiment as in the other loan choice questions , people must have gathered that both APR and total credit cost mattered because of the way they were being questioned about them .
14 Neither of us were attacked because of the Durances but because the local drug dealers knew I was making enquiries about trafficking and they thought you were working with me .
15 Six patients had planned operations cancelled because of the test result .
16 He was rewarded with a victory over Sri Lanka , and then chosen to lead the team to India , only for the tour to be cancelled because of the South African connections of himself and several members of the party .
17 Two shows were cancelled because of the ban .
18 That was cancelled because of the holidays .
19 All of the first-round heats of the 100 metres were cancelled because of the boycott .
20 The printers " picnic that had been arranged for a Saturday at the beginning of August 1914 had to be cancelled because of the outbreak of war .
21 ( The queen had been due to visit Iran in the royal yacht Britannia in January 1979 ; at the last minute the trip was cancelled because of the turmoil in Iran and the queen sent the Shah a gracious and sympathetic handwritten note of regret ) .
22 And your Policy will never be cancelled because of the number of claims you make .
23 ‘ Our original tour , in 1987 , was cancelled because of the World Cup and we were not due to visit New Zealand again until 1996 , ’ he said .
24 I know it was cancelled because of the weather .
25 Now in order to understand this and not to misunderstand terms , we 've got to unders the first thing we have to understand is what Darwin 's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is all about and the problem with this , and in some ways this is analogous to the problem with Freud , and I 'll be talking about this later , is that er when Darwin put forward his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in eighteen fifty nine it was confused and misunderstood because of the ideas of other people like Herbert Spencer and the so-called Social Darwinists , who coined slogans like , for example , survival of the fittest .
26 There is no question that in America , black tennis has suffered because of the lack of role models for youngsters to aspire to .
27 Even if the scene shrinks it will be very lively , especially for low-profile young gallerists who never really suffered because of the recession .
28 The Tribunal stated first that the standard of work did not appear to have suffered because of the practice to which the employer objected .
29 During the days that followed our plans to backpack up into the hills had to be curtailed because of the weather , but to compensate there was the pleasure of watching Nathan explore the Arctic .
30 Anyway I mean hopefully this this will be sort of you know if it 's well publicized it it will be well attended because of the past .
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