Example sentences of "[vb pp] out and [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 To improve the quality of our work , these are erm , when I say though the current position is the technical quality is variable , these this assessment comes from internal reviews which are carried out and we have annual quality control reviews in all parts of the of the practice and the answers that have been come back coming back from those quality control reviews have and they 're pretty strict reviews it seems , strictly in accordance with the book , strictly in accordance with all the reg rules and regulations and , so if one has deviated from those and it 's hardly surprising how very high standards B S five seven five O would have , be quite easy to obtain in most of our practice areas , so it 's hardly surprising that there will be occasions when we do n't actually er come up with ten out of ten on a on an assignment .
2 After he 's been ridden , he is turned out in the field , because he wo n't eat unless he 's turned out and I do try desperately hard to get four feeds a day into him .
3 Other people have got out and they 've done similar things to her .
4 A dark , sinister masque is being played out and we do not know whom to trust .
5 No , it , no it 's the one 's that have opted out and they do n't try to get work and they do n't want work
6 Our conclusions for what they are worth are set out and we come to a figure of about forty five thousand .
7 and then you become to understand that , that half of you just disappeared , the way I feel I felt like it 's just a shell left and all the inside just gone out and I 've
8 and then he 's , he 's fucking started marching us around the parade square and and we ca n't see a fucking thing inside there , and he said er come out a minute , so I 've blinking gone out and I 've noticed were about fifty yards from the beach
9 I mean I have been drunk , I have been stoned , I have passed out and I have been ill .
10 that had been through the fire and they were taken out and you know whoever .
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