Example sentences of "[vb pp] up and [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 There had been a further recent development ; only a couple of days ago Herr Hamnett 's brother , another agreeable young gentleman , had turned up and collected his entire belongings .
2 He has shot up and seized his chance with both hands .
3 I could have jumped up and battered his foot if I 'd wanted to , but I had more respect than that ! ’
4 As the clock ticked monotonously on the wall Mr Simons slowly and methodically cut up and ate his food , he never said a word .
5 Widower Lennie , 80 , was beaten up and had his toes sliced with a knife until he told the thugs where his wife 's jewellery was kept .
6 And , do not forget , only a few months earlier , in a restaurant filled with sophisticated diners , the same Balestre had stood up and bared his torso to show the scars of an ancient surgical operation .
7 A biting wind had blown up and ruffled his fair hair as he nodded towards the brightly lit bar on the other side of the square .
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