Example sentences of "[vb pp] when it be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There is , however , a danger here that older people will be infantilised when it is implied that they are no longer competent and able to discriminate for themselves .
2 The crash above their heads had come when it was lifted bodily and flung across the deck .
3 Two days after its signing , Joyce went to England and joined the army , but was discharged when it was discovered that he was only sixteen .
4 The cows are not as good for milk as the Aubrac or Salers : there was crossing with Durham Shorthorns in the eighteenth century to help milk yields from an essentially draught-and-meat animal but this was discarded when it was decided to concentrate on beef from the end of the nineteenth century .
5 This was not pursued when it was realised that quite small countries like Ireland could become significant contributors .
6 But this question was quickly resolved when it was discovered that Coggan much preferred moving to York and not London .
7 The true significance of witchcraft is only disclosed when it is set within its full configuration of mystical forces ; the same applies to ancestor cults .
8 Springfield Mill , east of the town centre , dates from the year of Trafalgar , and is said to be the earliest paper mill powered by steam , having a Boulton and Watt beam engine installed when it was opened for business .
9 it remains to be seen what figures are included when it is submitted to the Secretary of State and what view he takes on that .
10 The end of year deadline for eradication of asbestos-contaminated rolling stock , agreed many years ago between BR and the unions , was quietly and mutually forgotten when it was realised it was a long way from being achieved unless services were decimated .
11 This was agreed in February 1906 and at the same time the order for a further 14 cars of the smaller type , to work the Sutton route , was cancelled when it was realized that the fifteen ‘ Croydon & District ’ cars dumped on the site of Mitcham Road Depôt ( Aurelia Road ) would have to be taken into the South Metropolitan fleet .
12 Here again I respectfully agree with the observations made by Lord Donaldson M.R. , at pp. 324–325 , and by Neill L.J. , at pp. 326–327 , when rejecting the proprietary argument , which had not been advanced before Wright J. but which had rightly to be considered when it was put forward for the first time in the Court of Appeal .
13 His left leg was almost severed when it was caught in the whirling blade of a tree stump cutter .
14 The jobs of men were threatened when it was announced last year that the Ladas Drive facility would be replaced by a £250 , fire station at Carryduff .
15 This theory was threatened when it was discovered that many substances gain weight after combustion .
16 Delight enough to be sure , but the pleasure was greatly amplified when it was recognized , almost immediately , that the harpsichord bore an uncommon resemblance to the instrument shown in the famous Mercier portrait of Handel ( see cover ) .
17 The receptionist then writes clearly , ‘ You will be told when it is announced ’ , and as if by magic one of those charming , immaculate stewardesses will make sure that you do know .
18 However , this is easily corrected when it is pointed out that the Bible refers to God , himself , as a helper .
19 What was different , however , was that formal teaching was offered when it was required , not because of a timetable .
20 The full measure of that remark may be gauged when it is recalled that he was a senior member of the University Senate and a Fellow of Peterhouse , Cambridge .
21 All of this should be easily understood when it is realised that the effect of the contract being avoided or frustrated is generally that the parties are no longer required to carry out the contract ; they are excused .
22 As the penalty that a one-pass load imposes in terms of extra synonyms is very quickly understood when it is shown visually , Fig. 6.12 compares the results of one-pass and two-pass loads for a number of bucket sizes .
23 Many involved with its setting up feel deeply unhappy that they were misled when it was set up because the Government encouraged them and they believed that they would get direct financial support .
24 This goal is about to be reached when it is discovered that a great deal more investment is required .
25 Twenty thousand women had their tests rechecked when it was disclosed mistakes were made in the labs at Inverclyde Hospital in Greenock over a five year period .
26 And some who did not even know of the movie 's existence , who were not even born when it was made , are dead too , or mutilated , or orphaned …
27 This collapse of the immune system which results in bizarre killer infections or rapidly spreading cancers had to be renamed when it was found in other groups — heroin addicts , haemophiliacs , Haitians , even babies .
28 The Conservative Education Association also condemned the government plan and opposition mounted when it was learned that the government planned to cut education spending in London by 40 per cent following abolition of the ILEA .
29 IBM Corp last week duly introduced the rack-mounted RS/6000 Powerserver 970 and the 970E model , which is what the thing is called when it is upgraded from a 930 , 950 or 950E , killing off the 930 in the process .
30 Thixotropic means the viscosity of the gel is reduced when it is worked with a palette knife .
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