Example sentences of "[vb pp] as she [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother , once rid of the armour-plated respectability of Maître Henri and his phalanx of parents , brothers and sisters , all devoted to the law , had married a happy-go-lucky literary exile from Leeds , as nearly as possible his opposite , and the half-English , half-French child had been absorbed into their slapdash household with the greatest enthusiasm and affection , and never given time to doubt or worry , surrounded as she was by joyous evidence of her own importance and value .
2 It was difficult to see any change in her , muffled as she was in coat and scarves , but one change he did recognize .
3 Devastated as she was by the news of Liz and Owen 's terrible accident — and the knowledge that their lives were hanging by a thread — she was also feeling dazed and stunned at her husband 's dramatic reappearance in her life .
4 And Anna was getting restive , dazzled as she was by the new prospect .
5 But how could she rest easy , Theda thought in despair , beset as she was by hideous visions ?
6 Hannah may have gone without most of the comforts that people take for granted , but at least she had emotional warmth and stability , wrapped as she was in the cocoon of a caring family — her mother , her grandparents , and for a little time her tragic father , all around her .
7 Pinned as she was beneath his weight she had n't even the leverage to free her arms or buck him off — though she tried desperately .
8 There were still huge crowds of people hanging around the paddock , and Kate had quite a time , burdened as she was with the luggage , to push her way through .
9 And forced as she was by circumstances to bring her own dirty and vicious brood to work with her , she took a great pleasure in letting them loose on the two youngest Milligans , deliberately ignoring their torments and teases .
10 Dressed as she was in a simple dark green dress , set off by a bright red scarf , she caused a momentary pause in several conversations .
11 Shaken as she was by his startlingly generous gesture , and weak with relief , it did n't occur to her that his words , or his actions , might be open to a different interpretation .
12 Very much shaken as she was by the assault , she nevertheless would not have voluntarily given up her job — but she did not get the choice .
13 Madame indicated the preferred style from a set of drawings in a folder and Ellie , attached as she was to her mane of dark hair , was forced to agree how chic the chosen style was .
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