Example sentences of "[vb pp] for some [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Provided the provisional calculations are reliable ( which is a topic for another day ) , farmers can be forgiven for some confusion in any debate about whether they were really better off in 1992 than in 1991 and whether they ‘ felt ’ better off !
2 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
3 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
4 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
5 If the material is not topical and is delayed for some time before being sent out the date should be changed .
6 Moreover she had the real comfort of knowing that her community appreciated what she was doing ; more , her life excited such admiration that after her death the interment had to be delayed for some days for fear of riots .
7 [ The British ] had pressed for some time for a continuation of a combined staff relationship and had only been convinced that we were serious in rejecting this when we moved their combined staff people out of the Pentagon and moved the standing group [ of Nato ] in .
8 Both the Inter-Regional Standing Committee for Art and Design Education ( IRSCADE ) and NATFHE have pressed for some form of national validation of foundation courses and the former organization , having collected views from the colleges offering the courses , has listed five future possibilities .
9 One would have wished for some recognition of the fact that a view of Co-operation which limits it almost wholly to the Consumers ' Movement and is satisfied with that limitation , is at least to be regretted .
10 The position is the same if the offender is committed for some offences under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 and for some under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.56 ; the restrictions in Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 have no application to the offences subject to committal under section 38 , as the Crown Court can sentence for those offences as if the offender has just been convicted of them on indictment , but do apply to the offences committed under section 56 .
11 No I did n't Stefan , we 've been blamed for some things in our time , have n't we but
12 ‘ I think he had come for some sort of show .
13 They may be precipitated locally ( Thompson , 1959 ) or carried for some distance in solution ( Bathurst , 1975 ; Wanless , 1979 ) .
14 We had looked for some impact from the presence of women in senior positions in school , but the highest percentage of women at Scale 4 or above in any school was 35 per cent .
15 Part of it , some writers supposed , was a longing for heroes in an age without them , for cleavers of Gordian knots ( as the Wall Street Journal called North ) possessed of simple and shining certitudes ; at the end of North 's testimony even Inouye concluded that he had become another man destined for some piece of important marble in Washington , alongside Lincoln .
16 In 1959 Greece and Turkey had already drawn this conclusion , and had applied for some form of association with it .
17 Edward , whose joyful encounter with Joan de Warenne had given him a further reason for wishing to gain his freedom , sought for some means of contacting his mother .
18 The appendix on useful verbs should come in handy for those not up on adventure jargon , but be careful with the address section — a lot of them are now out of date so be prepared for some lack of response in some cases .
19 Be prepared for some children to be vegetarian , so make sure there are other forms of protein than meat .
20 Perhaps the best example of an adaptation maintained by weak selection ( s 10 -5 ) is the bias towards use of the most efficiently translated triplet codon , seen for some loci in Escherichia coli , yeast and Drosophila .
21 BLAISE-LINE is now just one of a number of bibliographical databases available , and it is likely that this medium will increasingly be used for some aspects of stock revision , as librarians become more familiar with its potential .
22 In the part in which she was standing was a small table and two chairs and an iron contraption that looked as if it might be used for some form of heating .
23 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
24 The author was , for example , frustrated for some time by a field name written in 1736 as Abboxry Land , and could come to no sensible conclusion as to what was meant .
25 It has been advanced for some time by both the Liberal party and the Electoral Reform Society .
26 Standard specifications have been agreed for some products like hamburgers and meat pies , for example , and the NAAFI have the task of sourcing supplies for these and for all other items such as fruit and vegetables .
27 Increases in the volume of shipping are usually accommodated for some time by existing docks and harbours before the pressure on them leads to a heavy capital investment in fresh and usually lengthy building .
28 The commercial terminal was closed for some kind of police operation .
29 The October 1990 rate cut was anticipated for some time in advance by the gilt market which bought gilts and drove up gilt prices ( see Fig. 17.3 ) , as was the continued fall in base rates over the next two years .
30 Having gorged for some time on the sweet taste of the ‘ knowledge ’ available from large British institutions , those trained in the ‘ Fine Arts ’ emit an acrid belch of superiority on the subject of their craft .
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