Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [noun] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence of this can be seen in the surprising number of items surviving from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , which one could be forgiven for thinking were only a few decades old .
2 A computational model of this type that was initially developed for shape-perception is now being applied to the control of bodily movement .
3 By three to five years after surgery the actuarial survival rate exceeded that of a control population.This enhanced survival may reflect the fact that patients referred for surgery were highly selected , and an important limitation of these data is that the selection criteria were not explicit .
4 She tipped the cassette box out on the floor and jumbled them all back what she 'd not heard for ages was now at the top .
5 A pattern emerged whereby shipping belonging to or destined for Kuwait was more or less assured of Iranian attention .
6 If the example presented for recognition is exactly the same as a training instance , then all this recogniser 's RAM chips will output 1 , so the summing device will output the number K.
7 Now , at last , she realised that whatever she had felt for Richard was long since buried , under an avalanche of hurt and disillusion .
8 But the claims made for reform are more modest than previously .
9 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
10 The Divisional Court felt that the copy documents which the solicitor had prepared for counsel were necessarily franked by professional privilege .
11 Large crowds of Catholics from Poland , Ukraine and Belarus are expected to flock to hear the Pope , although officials in Vilnius said thousands of beds prepared for pilgrims were still unclaimed .
12 Foreign Office texts prepared for Scandinavia were hastily withdrawn .
13 The dual system of rule which had prevailed for centuries was formally ended and national government brought under the aegis of the reigning sovereign whose authority was recognized throughout the country .
14 Land previously used for cereals is now either used as grassland ( perhaps mainly temporary ) or for fodder crops .
15 Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries land previously used for pasture was gradually given over to cultivation .
16 The wordings used for trusts are essentially these : ‘ I entrust ’ , ‘ I request ’ , ‘ I wish to be given ’ , and so on .
17 Modern economics and technology have created a throw-away society based on costs and profits , and the days when only best quality woods were used for joinery are long gone .
18 The material used for X is quite different from that used for Y but both may be produced with the same labour force .
19 Being sued for negligence is now a growing worry for doctors in this country .
20 With manufactured goods , trivial defects have sometimes been held to render the goods unmerchantable , as in the case of Jackson v Rotax Motor and Cycle Co Ltd [ 1910 ] 2 KB 937 where motor horns bought for resale were slightly dented .
21 Another batch of goods which had been bought for £400 and sold for £600 were subsequently found to be faulty .
22 The state price offered for rice was more than doubled from the " patriotic contribution " level of 7 riel per kg to 15 riel per kg .
23 The Soil Association 's symbol is the consumer 's only guarantee that the food being offered for sale is truly organic and worth the premium that is demanded for foods produced in this way .
24 My personal reaction to Tomlinson is that its conclusions about Barts and the other hospitals scheduled for closure are fundamentally wrong .
25 The brand of political union which is being proposed for Europe is particularly hard for Britain to accept .
26 Following modifications to the penal code in the wake of Sendero 's July offensive in Lima [ see p. 39002 ] , those arrested for terrorism were now considered " traitors to the fatherland " and had to stand trial before a military court .
27 The mourning observed for Jacob was only two days shorter than that for a pharaoh .
28 Even though the same might be argued for painting , the technical obstacles to be overcome for painting are very much less than for sculpture .
29 Second-hand aircraft are perhaps slightly cheaper to buy there than her , but not all that much , and the interest charged for finance is currently higher there than here .
30 Critics argue that the procedure does not allow petitioners to question the principle of a development and that the time allowed for consideration is too short .
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