Example sentences of "[vb pp] i [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But JUSt as it IS proper for me to look back to my wedding day as assurance that I am really married , so it is proper to look back to my baptism as a mark given me by the Holy Spirit that I am really born again in Christ , and to the eucharist as a pledge that I do partake of his life , feed on him , and shall in the last day share his resurrection .
2 I for one value the friendship that he has given me in the eight and a half years that I have been a Member of the House , despite the fact that we are in different parties and disagree on many issues .
3 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
4 Last time I had been to Paris they had rescued me from the freezing streets and hungry wolf packs . )
5 ‘ I rang the airport straight away — they 've booked me on the first flight out .
6 It was nearly forty years later that I met the man who had carried me into the only half track we had left and who reassured me .
7 It has carried me from the comfortable Salisbury suburb where a kind Scottish family have made me a home , to a rough Bulawayo farmstead .
8 He could have dropped me off the first time !
9 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
10 Nothing had prepared me for the overwhelming architectural beauty of Salamanca , and in particular for the grandeur of the university , the oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe , with its noble façade in plateresque style .
11 Racks and Torments ! dost think , Child , that my Limbs were made for leaping of Ditches , and clambring over Stiles ; or that my Parents wisely foreseeing my future Happiness in Country-pleasures , had early instructed me in the rural Accomplishments of drinking fat Ale , playing at Whisk , and smoaking Tobacco with my Husband ; or of spreading of Plaisters , brewing of Diet-drinks , and stilling Rosemary-Water with the good old Gentlewoman , my Mother-in-Law … .
12 Throughout the whole ghastly hour , I thought with gratitude of the boring school routines and the strict schoolmasters who have made me into the psychological oddity which I am today .
13 I 'd been walking for 45 minutes when I was hailed by a local farmer who had seen me on the moonlit road .
14 You have n't seen me since the bad time with the lawyers . ’
15 I only wish Daddy could have seen me in the black lace dress .
16 What 's really moved me over the last three or four years , as AIDS has become a major threat in this country , and especially since spring 1985 with the rising public hysteria about it , is that it 's brought out tremendous reserves of strength in lesbians and gay men which show the importance of the achievements of the previous fifteen years .
17 Your good influence and help has sometimes drawn me from the enwrapping pleasure of scenes which before held me alone with them …
18 ‘ Is n't that why you 've avoided me like the very plague ever since I 've been here ? ’
19 You 've got me on the touhgest part of the course and I 'm quite out of breath .
20 ‘ Ah yes , ’ Leon turned to Mrs Yaxlee , ‘ your George has told me of the great days .
21 Someone should have told me about the local MIND and the National Schizophrenia Fellowship and what they could offer .
22 ‘ I represent about 12 players at Tottenham Hotspur , and they 've all told me in the last couple of days that they certainly will put in for transfers and leave Tottenham Hotspur . ’
23 What has frankly surprised me about the last decade is the way in which social scientists who make no claim to a Christian profession have been talking openly about the relevance of religious values to our current economic problems in the Western world .
24 He had had no private income , pension , or — which had surprised me in the last few years — life insurance .
25 The extraordinary stop-start conversation between Victor and his monster had convinced me of the latter 's supreme dangerousness : given its malevolence , its lying and eloquent tongue was probably as big a threat as its turn of speed .
26 If he had played me at the same age he 'd have given me three blacks start and a beating .
27 A number of concerned people have contacted me over the past few weeks over my absence from the pages of Shooting Gallery .
28 Years ago I used to think this was a fun sport but the reason for thinking this has escaped me for the last 2 weeks .
29 ‘ It 's worse for them because they blame themselves for having provided me with the financial means to take a plebeian job . ’
30 And it was indescribably eerie — so that I almost began to wonder if Posi had brought me to the right planet .
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