Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [pron] who [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Novello , who had initially developed The Rat for Brunel , was to join with Cutts ' assistant , Alfred Hitchcock , in demonstrating that adapted stageplays did n't need to constrict cinematic invention as long as script and direction were entrusted to someone who could convey ideas in visual terms .
2 They have appealed to anyone who may have become suspicious about any car in the Edinburgh Road area to come forward .
3 Police have appealed to anyone who may have seen people acting suspiciously in the area of the hospital to contact them .
4 Oliver was led away to be locked up , and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work .
5 A reward of six hundred and fifty pounds is being offered to anyone who can help police track down the killer of a seventy-six-year-old man in Northampton .
6 The clue is , of course , that if Archer 's coat was powder-stained his killer must have been someone known to him who could get up that close in the deserted night street where he met his end .
7 I have n't spoken to anybody who would n't say that there is a problem with drunkenness and I mean this is very , very common behaviour and it 's alcohol related behaviour .
8 By a notice of appeal dated 13 August 1991 the applicant appealed against that decision of the Divisional Court on the grounds , inter alia , that it had erred ( 1 ) in holding that there was no obligation on Lautro to give the applicant an opportunity to make representations prior to the issue of that notice ; ( 2 ) in asserting that there was a principle of law that a regulatory body should know with precision from whom they must invite representations ; ( 3 ) in perceiving any difficulty in identifying persons who should have been given advance notification , so as to be treated fairly , of any proposals by Lautro to issue a notice since such notification should at least be given to anyone who would be directly affected by such a notice and/or whose conduct was in issue ; ( 4 ) in regarding as apposite the remarks of Lord Diplock in Cheall v. Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 180 , 190A since the non-application of the legal concept of natural justice to all persons effected by but not parties to a dispute was not and had never been in issue ; and ( 5 ) in failing to have regard to the absence of any rights of appeal according to the rules of Lautro in deciding whether the principle of natural justice applied .
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