Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
2 How could she get through an evening in his company when everything that was female in her responded to him in a way that knocked her totally off balance ?
3 The comparison will not show British progress in a very nattering light , for although Traffic in Towns was a hugely influential report in its day , nothing of significance has been added to it in the UK in a quarter of a century .
4 North of the River Cam , re-using the older Roman town , was the late eighth-century Mercian burgh which had another fortified town south of the river crossing added to it in the late ninth century by the Danish soldiers and traders .
5 He had come to her in the night .
6 I am a recent subscriber , having recently renewed my subscription for a second year and I have enjoyed every issue that has come to me in the post .
7 I strongly felt that Resenence had come to me in the dream and yet , when I awoke , when the morning came , I told myself I had created it myself .
8 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
9 It was held that the applicants lacked a sufficient interest in the matter because the Revenue had acted within the discretion permitted to it in the day-to-day administration of the tax system .
10 From this point , a single-track lane with many gates may be followed upriver to rejoin the road a mile short of Dent : a journey not recommended to anyone in a hurry .
11 Judge Hand 's refusal to comply with the request addressed to him in the Mexico City case rested on two grounds .
12 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
13 She riffled quickly through the pile and saw nothing of interest but an envelope addressed to her in a bold black hand that looked dimly familiar .
14 On the premise that ‘ too many cooks spoil the broth ’ , he asks us to reiterate that day to day management of the Village is in the hands of the Warden , Mrs. Pat Holmes , and any guidance , questions or advice on such matters should be addressed to her in the first instance .
15 Interest in the Lamb is known to have been considerable at this period , when the third invocation addressed to it in the Mass was changed from " have mercy upon us " to " give us peace " .
16 I 've just had two presented to me in the last eight months .
17 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
18 Will the Home Secretary acknowledge that fresh evidence was presented to him in the summer and that his review is long overdue ?
19 material for signature , presented to you in a single ‘ correspondence ’ folder with each item separated by a blotter page
20 PERHAPS the most extraordinary thing about parenting is the speed with which you bond with the nondescript bundle presented to you in the delivery room .
21 DB2 is a relational DBMS , that is data structures are presented to it in the form of tables ; IMS views the data structures in terms of hierarchies ; and IDMS in terms of networks .
22 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
23 This is so contrary to our general assumptions ( namely that the Holy Spirit , however vaguely we conceive of him , is an internal gift for the faithful , appropriate only to be mentioned in church ) that it is important for us to see the crucial link between the Spirit and mission which is presented to us in the pages of the New Testament .
24 He is presented to us in the first instance , and decisively , but his failures , his weaknesses , his inadequacies .
25 We pray for men and women in lands where there is hatred of one group for another , that their hearts may be turned to yourself in the search for righteousness and truth .
26 The region 's new political masters turned to them in a desperate hope that their expertise would make good their own helplessness .
27 Among the cardinals , Hugolinus , one of Innocent 's closest confidants and later Pope Gregory IX , is now generally agreed to have been related to him in the third degree .
28 She lived at New Houses , and was related to me in a mixed up kind of way — her father and my grandmother were cousins , but what that made me to Miss Bayles I can not imagine !
29 Kinsmen , in this sense , are related to me in a special private way .
30 Rachel 's eyes shot to his in a moment of intensity that made her skin burn with heat .
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