Example sentences of "[vb pp] have [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1 ) No reconstruction or extension of or alteration in any premises in respect of which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is in force , being a reconstruction , extension or alteration which will affect a public or common part of such remises or any communication with such part , shall be made unless the licensing board within whose area such premises are situated has consented to such reconstruction , extension or alteration at a quarterly meeting of the board or at such other time as may be appointed by the board , or unless such reconstruction , extension or alteration is required by order of some lawful authority .
2 What progress we have enjoyed has come about either as a result of skilled , painstaking experimental work or inspired guesses about how the brain works .
3 Conditions at Sullom Voe were considered to have contributed to this epidemic as well as to unusual outbreaks of whooping cough , scarlet fever , and influenza ( J D MacGregor , International Epidemiological Association , Edinburgh , 1981 ) .
4 And it was she who had said ‘ This is the way ’ and their arrival at this spot at the moment the friar was being attacked had flowed from that .
5 Yet at the broadest level the battle-lines could be said to have fallen into this basic pattern .
6 Highly forgetful , he is said to have put on all six shirts his wife packed for his tour and removed each as it became too dirty to wear .
7 She had stared at him wide-eyed , unseeing , and any desire that he might have felt had died in that instant .
8 But , in my judgment , it would operate against no others ; it would not operate against a person who is not shown to have taken with such notice of the circumstances under which the deed was executed .
9 ‘ I would have had to have come to some arrangement with Janice — separate houses , separate lives — and taken on the job of looking after Kirsty myself , even if it had meant giving up my job . ’
10 This reluctance to share information is alleged to have led to several disasters where information was not passed to the right people in time , and where one organisation arrested the informants of another by accident .
11 ‘ The first was a kit deal with DMF I 'm alleged to have signed without any authority from the club , which is a lie — and he knows it .
12 Size undoubtedly told against Dennis McBride while Terry Kingston would have needed to have played in all four Internationals .
13 The teacher 's business is to induce learning and the techniques that are used have to work to that end .
14 The Government concedes that subsidies for loss-making services must be maintained , but support for a radical change in the way the railways are run and financed has come from several large private companies , including Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , which is drawing up plans to run trains on key InterCity routes .
15 Despite their displaying a generalised and largely self-sufficient subsistence economy , precious metals and other valuable goods are known to have moved between such communities .
16 His successor , Leo VIII was little better ; he died while committing adultery , the only pope known to have expired in this way .
17 The purist may , however , still balk at the idea of a negative-energy field , even though to date the C- field is not known to have led to any conceptual difficulty either in classical or quantum physics .
18 ( Even in the cause of evasion , Aveling was not known to have spoken to any workers during the course of his tour . )
19 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
20 The records of salt imports are incomplete , and the only tables which can be compiled have to draw on several years in any period to include all the ports involved .
21 Fun day , more fun than today and today I hope I 've provided some of the ground work ca n't there 's a lot of things I would 've liked to have gone into more detail and generally I do but today there 's just there 's just not enough time in a day to do it .
22 It seems that existing residents have hardly benefited at all , as most jobs created have gone to those living outside the area , and most economic gains to international finance companies , property developers and construction companies ( see Goodwin , 1989 , for details ) .
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