Example sentences of "[vb pp] and a [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Architect Chris Butt and engineer Tony Ward were approached and a meeting set up in 1988 included them as well as city council and county council officers .
2 At the 13th , Woosnam was heckled and a cheer went up from a few spectators as he put his drive into the creek .
3 It would be less burdensome to the poor and more profitable to the King if Parliament were prorogued and a benevolence demanded .
4 The accompanying huge rights issue — which , at £1.3 billion , will be one of the largest in history — has been long expected and a market growing weary of cash calls was heartened by news that the new money is not to be raised until June .
5 The group of houses are now just a few yards away and at the sight of the French civilians lining the route , all tiredness is now forgotten and a spring has appeared in our step .
6 On 16 October 1991 , after a hearing in chambers to consider wasted costs after the jury in a criminal trial had been discharged and a retrial ordered , Judge MacRae made an order against the appellant , H. , a barrister who had acted as defence counsel at the trial , disallowing ‘ such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the initial trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial … ’ under the provisions of section 19A(1) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , as inserted by section 111 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
7 None of these uses of the political process will secure that the grievance is properly considered and a remedy given where appropriate .
8 When less dangerous , they can be owned and a person becomes a little more whole .
9 During the year the heating system had been improved , the church clock repaired and a floodlight installed to light the path to the gate .
10 3 A community will be selected and a sample interviewed using a questionnaire developed after
11 Apart from being well written and a pleasure to read the overall feeling of this book is that the Author has a great deal of enthusiasm and knowledge about his subject , and it is based on personal experience .
12 He immediately rang the Oxford Mission sisters , and by the time we reached them in a taxi they had beds prepared and a doctor called , and in two days Mig was well again .
13 A well had been prepared and a brick-kiln built ; about 85,000 bricks had been burned .
14 In order to excavate the site itself , a new road had been built and a viaduct constructed to carry it across the valley before it climbed through the wooded hillside to the rocky crag chosen for the location of the church which formed the heart of the project .
15 Not because they 're tastefully designed , extremely cleanly built and a pleasure to play — which they are — but because both the guitars we 've reviewed have a quality of sound that would rival a number of US-made guitars costing about twice the price .
16 A pragmatic approach should be adopted and a copy sent immediately to the company 's headquarters .
17 But a gulf in perception will have to be bridged , leaps of faith made and a deal struck .
18 At Hull a mass meeting had voted unanimously for caution : " for a national strike if necessary , after ports consulted and a conference called to decide " .
19 Then , as she watched , the crowd parted and a man came towards her .
20 Halling had to wait until the 1939–45 war when a military bridge was erected and a road laid down and for a few years the people of Wouldham and Halling were able to move freely between the villages , which was a great asset to the people of Wouldham who used the bridge to get to work on this side of the river , but it was certainly the death knell of the ferry .
21 Once the formalities are completed and a certificate issued , the company ( public or private ) possesses a legal personality of its own , distinct from its membership .
22 The first phase of the Trust 's Environmental Audit , announced in the summer 1990 issue of the magazine , has now been completed and a programme has been approved which should result in the principles of environmental protection being more firmly entrenched in the Trust 's activities .
23 Then there will be many people and organisations she will need to notify of her date of removal and her new address , such as the Gas and Electricity Boards ; the Department of Health and Social Security , for the transfer of the drawing of her pension to the post office near your home ; the local rates office , income tax office , and television rental office ; the bank manager , and building society or other places where she may have invested her savings ; her insurance agent , the headquarters of any pension fund to which she may belong , the telephone manager , and the post office for the redirection of her letters ( for which a form has to be completed and a fee paid ) .
24 As many teachers were unable to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society when formal thanks were given and a presentation made to Hilary Weedon on the completion of her four year term of office as Chairman of the Executive Committee special thanks were given to her by Betty Syrett on behalf of the teachers .
25 If liability only is admitted , interlocutory judgment ( N 17 ) may be given and a date fixed for assessment or the plaintiff left to apply under Ord 22 , r 6. ( 2 ) If the defendant does not appear and has delivered no admission or defence , then judgment may be entered ( or directions given ) as the court thinks fit ( Ord 17 , r 7 ) .
26 In 1979 the state constitution was amended and a ceiling placed on spending by the state and in local jurisdictions within its borders .
27 In this case the details can be entered here whenever a file is amended and a printout obtained at will .
28 Wo n't it be wonderful when it happens that you and I will be able to share a little secret that , in the womb of Walsingham , on our diocesan retreat ‘ a prayer was uttered and a commitment determined .
29 It was clear from the beginning that the government was going to remain firm on the question of tenure , but a concerted campaign secured two concessions : the clause relating to the dismissal of senior staff was withdrawn and a statement guaranteeing academic freedom was written into the Bill .
30 Flags were flown and a band turned out to celebrate his return .
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