Example sentences of "[vb pp] and i [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He got straight back on to the divan and lay with his eyes shut , as if I should n't have come and I felt I ought never to have come ( especially without telling C ) , and I felt as well that it really was a bit much , a pose .
2 Lisabeth 's eyes clouded and I knew I 'd done enough .
3 With the onset in the later stages of unmistakable labour pains in my lower abdomen all doubts were resolved and I knew I had to do something about it .
4 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
5 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
6 Yes and I I I think y my Lord the plaintiffs will be cross examined quite considerably on the damages claimed and I think it might help your Lordship to see erm the way .
7 She was being strangled and I pulled him off .
8 I rushed him to hospital and the doctor asked how it was done and I said he 'd fallen over on the step .
9 ‘ It 's done and I hope he likes it , ’ Finlayson told the adjutant .
10 I want a job done and I want it done properly .
11 ‘ I am top of the averages of the England bowlers selected and I think I am bowling as well as anyone in the side at the moment .
12 But we can actually get it framed and I mean we 'll get it for well under that .
13 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
14 Now I have decided and I hope you 'll back that up to reduce our cracker production .
15 So I I think time has moved on , th the pressure from erm the economic pressure and the right wing pressure has grown and i think we 're now doing the right thing .
16 Vast amounts of money are made and I find it all very boring .
17 That 's right , made a cup of coffee and that and then , he was , just came back and she said you have n't finished , he said yes , she said I did n't hear you knocking , oh no he said , well I built it all , you know , it 's all ready made and I built it ready for the bolts and , oh I thought you would of been knocking , I 've got some knocking here you know
18 Yeah and bus stopped and I said it was going to cos we
19 Erm this year the parish has said they 'll pay for it and any contributions will be gratefully received and I think it was three pound last year .
20 We need not doubt that the epithet is justified and I think we are on the right track in attributing its powers to nerve cells with their trigger features and projective zones , but the connecting links are missing .
21 So if I started off with a half X squared and I differentiated it I would get two times a half times X
22 We 've got to consider the situation of some form of flexibility and it presupposes that if you have a policy in which the settlements are drawn and I suppose I I think they will be tightly drawn , development yes is allocated in accordance with the structure plan .
23 Erm I said well yeah he said every day you been saying er I 've been asking you what appointments have you got and I said I 've got two this afternoon and two tomorrow morning .
24 Mrs Balcombe said : ‘ We have been told that this is not nearly enough but it is all we have got and I think we are lucky to have it . ’
25 that about twenty songs on the L P we 've got and I think they all sold a million
26 Erm the way I understand the situation is Tony 's happy with er his arrangement and that the clubs have agreed and I think it 's just a matter of them going back now to report back to their President the Italian people and then the way I see it he 'll he 'll go after the er game for a medical and you know there should n't be any problems there .
27 It was superbly performed and I found it enjoyable , although it did seem to hark back to an earlier period of American modern dance .
28 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
29 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
30 where 's the beef ? so , so I 'm dubious about this in terms of quality of nutrition , in terms of choice being offered and I think we need to look a lot more closely at this before we jump into agreement , change or in the system .
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