Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [pers pn] think [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
2 Yes and I I I think y my Lord the plaintiffs will be cross examined quite considerably on the damages claimed and I think it might help your Lordship to see erm the way .
3 ‘ I am top of the averages of the England bowlers selected and I think I am bowling as well as anyone in the side at the moment .
4 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
5 So I I think time has moved on , th the pressure from erm the economic pressure and the right wing pressure has grown and i think we 're now doing the right thing .
6 They said well your husband 's car 's been vandalised and they think it 's you that 's done it so we 've come to arrest you so she said oh I thought you 've come to tell me it were me daughter that was dead and he said , he said what you talking about ?
7 Erm this year the parish has said they 'll pay for it and any contributions will be gratefully received and I think it was three pound last year .
8 We need not doubt that the epithet is justified and I think we are on the right track in attributing its powers to nerve cells with their trigger features and projective zones , but the connecting links are missing .
9 Mrs Balcombe said : ‘ We have been told that this is not nearly enough but it is all we have got and I think we are lucky to have it . ’
10 that about twenty songs on the L P we 've got and I think they all sold a million
11 Erm the way I understand the situation is Tony 's happy with er his arrangement and that the clubs have agreed and I think it 's just a matter of them going back now to report back to their President the Italian people and then the way I see it he 'll he 'll go after the er game for a medical and you know there should n't be any problems there .
12 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
13 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
14 where 's the beef ? so , so I 'm dubious about this in terms of quality of nutrition , in terms of choice being offered and I think we need to look a lot more closely at this before we jump into agreement , change or in the system .
15 But the room was not well lit and she thought it wiser to live in the shadows as she did not want to explain why she looked ill .
16 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
17 I am doing that more and more now when I am stretched and I think I am improving in that area . ’
18 Oh very good , yes , aha , so er Jim 's been very busy with his talks and different things and er we packed in , you know , after Christmas cos we both worked and we thought we 'd have it , you know , and we caught this flu bug and
19 I mean , we , it was very nearly went through had a meeting which had the press and public excluded and I think it was not handled well at that time from and we should make it quite clear that we are watching and hopefully we do understand the situation .
20 Yeah , you 're right , and that 's what I 'm saying , they have tried and I think they 've let Gorbachev down .
21 And if you do n't feel that you can fit in a pupil comment , you have to be very careful here because some people will take it as a cop-out and not do it and a that worries me and it has happened and I think it is important that the youngsters are actually given some guidance and the opportunity to do it .
22 My wrist was sprained and they think it quite serious [ he wrote with his left hand .
23 I was gon na say er somebody told me that he 'd left and I thought it was you cos nobody would .
24 But he finds out all these things but he does n't tell you and you keep getting killed and you think I wonder if I could do it
25 ‘ The opposition was divided and he thought his would be the strongest party .
26 The highest type of firework last year if it was specified was the sparkler remarkably enough and we would make this point very seriously that parents tend to give children sm very small children sparklers and they must remember tha that these things are fireworks they are dangerous they do get red hot er they must supervise them at all times when they give them sparklers cos they may wave them around they may se set somebody else 's clothing on fire with them they may get the sparks in their eyes if they get too close to them er and one particular danger of course is that they they may get hold of en the hot end when the firework has finally extinguished and they think it 's all finished with .
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