Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [art] [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 CAMRA is also concerned at the way in which many keg beers are brewed and the ingredients used .
2 Reporting restrictions were not lifted and the magistrates made an order preventing publication of the boys ' names or anything which could identify them .
3 A tranquil enough scene , we may say , once the squads of militia had departed and the floods abated .
4 WHILE the voters voted and the counters counted , it was instructive to note what TV fare our opinion formers thought fit to celebrate the nation 's release from the 1992 Election .
5 After incubation a 32 P-labelled double-stranded oligonucleotide containing an FSE site was added and the reactions incubated further .
6 Subsequently , 5 units of Dra I were added and the samples incubated for 10 min at 37°C .
7 Unfortunately , I completely forgot I was attached to the table — all the lunch things fell off , the wine spilt and the glasses shattered .
8 We know the river is frozen and the roads blocked , so anything from the water must be weeks old ! ’
9 Their purchasing position will be clarified and the solicitors notified .
10 They may not be deliberately malicious , just children looking for a little adventure , but soon windows are smashed and the doors forced open .
11 But despite apparent government support a number of ministers objected and the proposals made little headway .
12 The French protest was upheld and the Romanians disqualified .
13 None had been stillborn , all had been strangled and the police had decided that one person was responsible for all the murders and that person was a woman .
14 However , the proviso was applied and the convictions upheld .
15 The door rattled and the pictures shook .
16 ‘ The letter simply thanked me for what I had done and the senders signed themselves only as Berend 's Family . ’
17 They are completed by hand by the scientist at or near the time of the work being recorded and form a chronological , step by step log of what was planned , what was done and the results gained .
18 Seventh , the justices had no doubts as to the care the grandparents could give the children but that would result in the children being separated and the justices felt very strongly that that should not happen .
19 The sheets were twisted and the blankets had slipped down to one side .
20 If the time was deemed to be right , if the prospective bride had accepted and the parents had chosen a time , he would be married , that was sure .
21 The money was not accepted and the plaintiffs brought an action for a declaration that the lease had not been forfeited .
22 Mick had accelerated and the men had jumped clear .
23 The rudder bar had to be lashed and the ropes stowed .
24 At the named destination , all the baskets would be unloaded and the birds liberated simultaneously .
25 Once the cow was milked , the chickens fed and the eggs collected , Agnes faced the task that she dreaded .
26 Beirut was bombed and the Israelis invaded Lebanon , thus leading to the revised version , ‘ When one war shuts another one opens . ’
27 No policy orthodoxy had to be imposed and no places had to be found for clients of the former leader who wished to be junior ministers .
28 O'Hara 's bed was made and the dishes washed .
29 The family as a whole cares about the decisions made and the matters discussed .
30 Because of this they have the potential for increasing self-awareness and deepening understanding both of the judgments made and the objects construed .
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