Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 The meeting , reportedly called at the instigation of Japan , was dominated by concern over the recent advance of the US dollar which , according to the Financial Times of June 24 , had risen by up to 20 per cent against the German deutschmark and other currencies in recent weeks [ see pp. 37978 ; 38170 ] .
2 Eventually these ideas coalesced into the belief that Germany 's rise as a new state and as an industrial power was being hampered by uncertainty over the unreliable national loyalties of the Slav peoples in the east , by the back-stabbing machinations of the Jews inside Germany , and by the threat of communism that came in both Slav and Jewish forms .
3 Dutch football has been increasingly dogged by hooliganism over the past few years .
4 Dutch football has been increasingly dogged by hooliganism over the past few years .
5 She reacted " with repulsion " to a televised appearance by Saddam chatting to a group of hostages on Aug. 23 , but Western governments were concerned to prevent their policy being dictated by concern over the possible implications for their nationals being held hostage .
6 They were gripped by anxiety over the fate of European Jewry .
7 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
8 County Nat West oil analyst Neil Thomas said that decision would be affected by anger over the planned closure of nearby Point of Ayr colliery .
9 ‘ Having done the Tunstall settlement — which was really driven by concern over the costs , it seemed to us that we had a moral obligation to extend that deal to other shareholders , ’ Ernst & Young 's national marketing partner David Wilson told ACCOUNTANCY .
10 Part-time workers who work only a very few hours do not benefit from many of the forms of employment protection introduced by legislation over the last decade or so , although those part-time workers who work at least half the usual hours are covered on some items .
11 The delay had been caused by uncertainty over the status of Vneshekonombank , the former Soviet foreign affairs bank , which had been taken over by Russia in December [ see p. 38581 ] .
12 Or perhaps this is just the wisdom of hindsight , a rosy blur of sentiment cast by nostalgia over the scene .
13 It was understood that the UK had been guaranteed three of the quota of 15 tests authorized by Congress over the next three years under new test-ban legislation passed in September [ see p. 39121 ] .
14 The pre-war debate was motivated by concern over the ‘ boy labour problem ’ in its social and economic contexts .
15 For much of the 1950s relations with South Korea were bedevilled by conflict over the territorial waters of the two countries .
16 This has been fuelled by uncertainty over the exact figures with Eurotunnel claiming a final cost of about £7bn , Transmanche Link £7.5bn , and the banks ' technical advisers £8.1bn plus a six month delay in opening .
17 An open-work star map in stereographic projection ( known as the rete ) was in front of the tympan , and could be rotated by hand over the lines of altitude and azimuth .
18 This beeline may be reversed and used as a route of ascent from Horton but until a clear path has been formed by foot-traffic over the rough higher ground , it is not a way to be preferred to other more pleasant routes of ascent : apart from an exciting interlude midway , the climb becomes tedious .
19 We studied 123 adult patients ( 76 men and 47 women ; mean age 38.7 ( 18.7 ) years ) , age range 18–84 years ) with benign oesophageal strictures treated by dilatation over the six years 1986–92 .
20 This feeling was compounded by confusion over the respective roles and functions of the Department of Employment , the Department of Health and Social Security , the Manpower Services Commission , the ‘ dole ’ , unemployment benefit offices , employment offices and Jobcentres .
21 On the contrary , the sadness was outweighed by anger over the deprivations that had presented the emergence of black Pollocks and Procters for 200 years in South Africa — deprivations that were now being remedied mainly because of the success of the long boycott .
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