Example sentences of "[vb pp] that she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Forgotten that she had thought she had seen someone moving around in the darkness .
2 But a confidence trickster , who is being investigated by Scotland Yard , is believed to have claimed that she had hidden £500,000 abroad .
3 Shortly after she arrived , it was reported that she had accepted President Corazon Aquino " s condition that Marcos be buried in his home province of Ilocos Norte , rather than in the capital , Manila .
4 ‘ You were dismissed ? ’ he questioned , but by then she had belatedly realised that she had said more than enough .
5 He had n't heard that she 'd disappeared but he did wonder why all the orders had stopped .
6 They had grown so used to her not joining in that they had not really noticed that she had stayed up there when they came down .
7 Down on the steps , Marie had decided that she had made a mistake .
8 well , erm tis n't , she 's not , she wants the W R A F and nothing else and Sue said you ca n't be like that , you know , and er , so they 've decided that she 's got ta carry on with this Saturday job because she wo n't be able to go on the dole look , straight away will she ?
9 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
10 We are therefore presented with a book which was not ‘ written in order … but like as the matter came to the creature in mind … for it was so long ere it was written that she had forgotten the time and the order when things befell ’ .
11 Evert also revealed that she has added a week of exhibition matches against Martina Navratilova to her schedule , which will be played in Asia , in April .
12 In a £500,000 damages action at the Court of Session , she had said that she had had a collapse after being injected with anaesthetic drugs in the operating theatre .
13 but having said that she 's got a sort of ready meal , all you have to do is use one hand either pick your plate up , put it in the microwave and you 've got a cooked meal
14 A French housewife recently thought that she had discovered the world 's first metal potato — until she realised that the object she was trying to peel was in fact a Second World War hand grenade , which had probably been scooped up by a potato picking machine before it found its way into her groceries .
15 Looking back , Liz would try to remember the moment at which she had known rather than not known : she would have liked to have thought that she had known always , that there was no moment of shock , that knowledge had lain within her ( the all-knowing ) , that she had never truly been deceived , that at the very worst she had connived at her own deceit .
16 She had almost thought that she had recovered completely , until , once in Neil 's arms , the memory of the rape inflicted on her had struck her down .
17 But he ca n't repress a shudder as he recalls the day he learned of his wife 's death , at first being told that she had drowned .
18 It was alleged that she had embezzled at least $5,700,000 from housing foreclosure sales handled for HUD between 1985 and 1988 .
19 She slammed the door behind her , then instantly regretted that she had left them shut in alone together .
20 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
21 Even as she spoke those words Diana must have known that she had left behind her bachelor persona as soon as she had entered the Palace portals .
22 To Fabia 's relief , Ivo had remembered that she had walked the dog with his master last Monday and had observed then , as now , as she gave the Dobermann a light scratch behind one of his ears , that she was totally at ease with the animal .
23 Living up to her reputation , Peters found that she had done her homework thoroughly .
24 One , who had an electric prod inserted in her vagina , has disappeared since their release and it is feared that she has committed suicide .
25 The Empress had ordered her to do whatever was necessary in order to leave with fitzAlan , and if she had n't been so angry and confused that she had forgotten the threat to Edmund she would have complied .
26 ‘ Dancing attendance ’ was not one of Nora 's expressions but she realised now that he was gone that she had done precisely that .
27 It was assumed that she had eloped with her boy friend .
28 He had thought that he had done with her long ago , had assumed that she had lost the power to hurt him .
29 At first he had assumed that she had climbed down to the lower deck and gone forward .
30 Ryan must have assumed that she 'd gone to stay with her parents when he left her .
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