Example sentences of "[vb pp] that it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This social sanction will be , in the first place , some kind of social ostracism or discomfort ; it may or may not be wished that it be associated with a legal penalty .
2 The changes will not come into force until 1991 and Lloyd 's stressed that it was attempting to introduce safeguards to ensure the market 's underwriting standards did not deteroriate .
3 The changes will not come into force until 1991 and Lloyd 's stressed that it was attempting to introduce safeguards to ensure the market 's underwriting standards did not deteroriate .
4 He asked if Hall had forgotten that it was intended eventually to extend the new buildings as far as Great George Street where they would be seen with the Abbey and the Palace of Westminster .
5 Eth ethically the Government have cleared it and in fact have forecast that it 's going to be the one .
6 Poets were so highly esteemed that it was said that a Delhi-wallah visiting a friend in another part of India would always take with him as a present not jewels or hookahs or fine weapons but a few of Mir Taqi Mir 's new verses copied on to a single sheet of paper .
7 Figures from the Metropolitan Police show that , in cases where bail was granted although the police had recommended that it be opposed , the offending rate on bail was 18 per cent. , compared with 9 per cent .
8 Since the Validation program may take several hours to run , it is recommended that it is run overnight in batch mode .
9 But Lokata had not realised that it was treading on a defence secret .
10 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
11 He was very small , sandy-haired , sharp-featured and with his sense of smell so well developed that it was rumoured that he had sniffed out a suicide in Epping Forest even before the animal predators got to it .
12 Your Board is confident that the plan for restructuring the Group will result in a more streamlined , flexible and dynamic organisation and it is intended that it be carried through as fast as possible .
13 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
14 It was explained that it was hoped that they would ‘ befriend ’ a life preparation student for craft sessions , working alongside each other on a variety of projects .
15 ( " You have heard that it was said " was the traditional rabbinic formula for introducing their interpretation . )
16 They feel threatened that it is prying into their own personal affairs .
17 When I 'd checked the pin positions in the morning I 'd decided that it was going to be someone already under par who would be in a position to win next day as opposed to someone coming through the field , because I just could n't see anybody scoring well .
18 The only company to have voiced an interest in ANDF recently , or to have hinted that it was negotiating for it , is Unix System Laboratories ( UX No 380 ) .
19 Right , it should n't be my responsibility to do that it should it should be accepted that it 's gon na be done .
20 In the first place it is to be accepted that it is made in wide terms though it is not said that they are so imprecise that there is a doubt as to what is covered by the order .
21 University College , Bangor , has revealed that it is to get an extra £330,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales as part of a £2.1m handout to Welsh colleges .
22 having said that it 's getting them , getting them back is n't it to do it what was I gon na say before I started saying something did you
23 The conservative outlook entails a particular conception of God ( and of Christ ) , an understanding of which it can not simply be said that it is held in common by all Christians : something I think often not recognized by conservatives themselves .
24 It has been said that it is unsporting to receive help from another angler when you catch a fish .
25 I heard it had been said that it was discouraged but er
26 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
27 In some cases setting was criticized because it was argued that it was producing underachievement in certain pupils , although many teachers did not accept this .
28 He had gone down to the stable earlier and seen that it was missing , so he went to look for it .
29 A plea was made that it be written in a style which would enable the non-theologically trained to make sense of it .
30 The meaning that they gave it should send cold shivers down the spine of any parent : fully a half thought that it was an instruction to cross the road , and half of these thought that it was showing you how to do it — by running !
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