Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pers pn] had a " in BNC.

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1 If you have ever wished that you had a third hand to make notes we have the answer .
2 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
3 The seam had been so thoroughly picked that it had a sharp edge .
4 The police initially reported that he had a knowledge of surgery and , due to a message scrawled on a wall over one of the victims , it was suggested that he belonged to a secret organization , the Freemasons .
5 ‘ I should have realised that you had a personal prejudice , ’ she taunted .
6 Adolescents were to be taught that they had a duty to serve the community and these ideas were to be bound together within the framework of ‘ citizenship ’ .
7 When we arrived at the office , nobody could have guessed that he had a home , or an aged parent , or any interests at all outside his work .
8 Heard that he had a walkie-talkie radio on which he could give the engineer instructions to slow down further , and to stop .
9 Even in Wessex and East Anglia the ravaged territories were not always particularly extensive at any one time , and much of the population may have reckoned that they had a good chance of escaping .
10 In mid-1974 he developed phlebitis — inflammation of the veins — and within months it was revealed that he had a thrombosis which could have killed him in seconds .
11 He was right when he had said that they had a peculiar reaction to each other .
12 It may be argued that they had a particular point to make about regiments and an anxiety to see funds spent not in one direction , but another .
13 If proof were ever needed that I had a gift for spotting talent then my signing of Royston Marley was it .
14 ‘ I should have thought that it had a hell of a lot to do with you . ’
15 She was surprised , because she had thought that she had a vocation not to marry .
16 ‘ I was told that you had a motorbike and sidecar .
17 I was always running up against her and being told that I had a shoelace undone , or my buttons needed polishing , or my hair was touching my collar , Airwoman !
18 Then it was ‘ Fuckin' ‘ ell , is that the time ? ’ , back into the vulgar check suit and home to his little wife , who had been told that he had a business meeting in the City .
19 Two days later we were at Wrexham Hospital — not for Nigel to undergo traction as anticipated but to see the chest specialist and to be told that he had a fatal disease .
20 Reporters who first asked officials about Mr Li were told that he had a ‘ bad cold ’ .
21 Once I was given the address of Mikhoels ' wife , Anastasiya Pavlovna Pototskaya , and I was told that she had a lot of Chagalls , and that she may possibly want to sell them .
22 So when , on that fateful afternoon , enchanting in pale amethyst , unpinning her huge straw picture hat , crowned with a bouquet of early spring flowers , she was told that she had a visitor waiting to see her — ‘ A Mrs Greville .
23 Although the LTTE denied involvement in the assassination , it was widely noted that they had a strong motive , believing that Gandhi had betrayed them in 1987 when he dispatched the Indian army in an unsuccessful effort to bring Sri Lanka 's civil strife under control [ see p. 35313 ] .
24 He had repeatedly demonstrated that he had a greater tolerance of G-forces than most other men ; Vologsky could take a full three minutes longer in the centrifuge chamber than any other member of his squadron .
25 To save his neck and protect his family was perhaps not the noblest of motives for coming forward as a witness , but if the DEA had not sought to frame him under the misapprehension that he was feeding information to Pan Am and the media , and if the DIA had not lacked the will to protect him behind the scenes , the idea of coming forward would never have crossed his mind at all — indeed , he might never even have known that he had a contribution to make to the Lockerbie investigation .
26 Finally Ramsey said that he would respond to any invitation provided that it had a consensus of advice behind it , and provided he was sure that the need for strength in the North was considered .
27 That had always been the constitutional position , he said , but the big demonstrations of the past few days had proved that he had a popular mandate too .
28 The salesman I approached was in his early forties and begrudgingly admitted that he had a fair knowledge of the wordprocessor we use .
29 Her husband began to complain of headaches and lethargy and after a period of investigation in hospital it was discovered that he had a malignant cerebral tumour .
30 One Head Girl found her team circling round the stage once as rehearsed but then galloping straight off stage to the lavatories ; apparently one of the Girls had realized that she had a sudden attack of diarrhoea and had acted with unheard-of initiative .
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