Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 Second , they have stressed that many of the innovations in peasant agriculture before 1905 were undertaken in areas where the commune prevailed .
2 At the outset however , it should be stressed that many of the changes have been beneficial .
3 It is therefore to be expected that many of the familiar solution generating techniques can be used to obtain new colliding plane wave solutions from already known , or ‘ seed ’ , solutions .
4 In fact , it is expected that most of the growth in work will come , not from big firms , still less from manufacturing , but from new small firms .
5 It was expected that some of the larger projects approved by the Gandhi government would be postponed .
6 Yet it should never be forgotten that some of the disquiet felt about institutional care ( more fully discussed in Chapter 7 ) has arisen from the ‘ scandals ’ of chronic wards in hospitals , in which long-term patients were , on occasion , subjected to degrading treatment .
7 How often , in my past life , I had claimed that one of the great benefits the nineteenth century had conferred on the West had been science 's liberation of thought and feeling from organized religion .
8 It is often claimed that one of the most conspicuous shortcomings of Keynesian macroeconomics lies in its lack of a coherent theory of aggregate supply .
9 In addition it has been claimed that one of the tones is the level tone , which by definition may not have any pitch movement .
10 Penrose also claimed that most of the money needed for Blake 's escape had not ( as Bourke had claimed ) come from Blake 's mother .
11 It was also reported that two of the three men on trial with Talb or members of their family had been seen with Dalkammoni .
12 On May 30 , it was reported that two of the missing witnesses in the trial had been kidnapped and smuggled to Zambia where one of them , Gabriel Pelo Mekgwe , was being held by ANC activists , and the other , Katiza Cebekhulu , was in prison .
13 It was reported that one of the two attackers had been wounded while escaping .
14 Mature N. lapillus are thought not to grow ( Moore , 1936 ) but Moore ( 1938a ) found a preponderance of females amongst the largest dog whelks ; he thought this is due either to differential growth rates in the two sexes or to differential onset of maturity.Feare ( 1970c ) also considered that most of the oldest individuals were female .
15 Jewish groups also protested that some of the 35,000 people who had been pardoned by the Lithuanian authorities since 1988 were Nazi war criminals , prompting the government to announce that two of the cases would be reviewed .
16 The Government 's official scientific advisers , the Joint Nature Conservation Committee , has recommended that many of the blocks currently being offered to oil companies should be withdrawn from the licensing round .
17 If it is required to positively identify the components , it is recommended that one of the parents is made homozygous for a marker chromosome such as T6 ( Section 5.1 ) .
18 WWF and its mature colleagues in the conservation world have long realised that many of the priority issues with which we are all currently concerned ( rain forest destruction , coastal marine pollution , over-exploitation , loss of diversity ) are issues which have to be tackled in parallel with those of human population increase , extreme poverty , low food production levels , lack of marketable resources and , in a few cases , uncaring , self-centred governments .
19 She had not realised that some of the horses had been ‘ jazzed up ’ and made a bit more fearful or anxious , so that the horse had extended its top lip through tension .
20 It was calculated that 65,000 of the country 's registered 76,000 road vehicles were used by or for tourists .
21 The often quoted examples of the linear parishes in Lincolnshire and Wiltshire ( Fig. 15 ) are so arranged that each of the land uses , and access to them , is equal for all settlements .
22 Ever since I took over the tips section in the hallowed pages of ZZAP ! 64 , folks have whinged that most of the pokes are for Reset and Action Replay carts .
23 It is not often recalled that one of the Trust 's earliest acquisitions , in 1909 , was the cottage at Nether Stowey where the poet Coleridge wrote ‘ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ’ and began his visionary epic ‘ Kubla Khan ’ .
24 In so doing it is recognized that many of the questions raised are left open for subsequent investigation and that the results are initial and tentative .
25 Of course , the dinosaur specialist has long recognized that some of the smaller species were fairly agile , and could have reached considerably higher speeds than the larger carnosaurs .
26 Dawson and Smith also recognized that some of the veined and pervasively metasomatized peridotite xenoliths from the Bultfontein Floors mine dumps at Kimberley have replacement mineral compositions that are broadly similar to those of the MARID suite ( although the relationship between the two is not simple and some important chemical distinctions remain , possibly reflecting different degrees of interaction between veins and peridotite wall rocks ) .
27 Nevertheless it must be recognized that most of the killing of rightists in the Republican zone was spontaneous and that the government sought , successfully in the long run , to bring it to an end .
28 Now , thanks to form criticism , it is recognized that most of the psalms were sung in the public worship of the temple prior to its destruction in 587 BC .
29 No , these did n't show any stalls , but they 're i it was explained that one of the constraints in the design of the scheme was the brief that they had to leave space for er as many stalls as possible to be erected .
30 In the last chapter it was explained that some of the world 's languages are ‘ tone languages ’ , in which substituting one distinctive tone for another on a particular word or morpheme can cause a change in the dictionary ( ‘ lexical ’ ) meaning of that word or morpheme , or in some aspect of its grammatical categorisation .
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