Example sentences of "[vb pp] [Wh det] [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We were adjusting the seasoning in a salmon terrine , and had nervously added what we thought to be the appropriate amount .
2 Finally MIND bitterly attacked what they believed to be the RHA 's intention to cut the Riverside budget for mental health by 45 per cent .
3 The 18 Kurile islands to the north of the disputed territories were Russian territory , and Soviet troops had occupied what they regarded as the southern part of the chain at the end of the Pacific War in 1945 .
4 One was quite hot and spicy but I 'd forgotten what we had for the first two the two that they brought out .
5 He liked taking them apart and putting them together again in the wrong order to make new toys and would do this all day until he had forgotten what they looked like in the first place .
6 I have n't forgotten what you did for me , those years back . ’
7 I realized that I had completely forgotten what he sounded like .
8 the knitting machine has done what we did by hand , well under fifty pound , I think that one sold at twenty nine and that 's five .
9 It did n't help to be able to see why he had done what he had in fostering their enmity .
10 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
11 ‘ I 've done what I came for , ’ she declared , marching out of the house .
12 After we had collected what we came for , he returned for one more look and broke his disdainful silence .
13 But then again there have n't really been any bands that have said what they felt in a long time . ’
14 I had said what I had to and listened long enough .
15 ‘ Anyway ! ’ exclaimed Laura , coming to her feet , ‘ I suppose I 've said what I wanted to .
16 His respect for Andrew clearly made what he felt about Muriel unimportant .
17 When she was young and maybe a little wilful , Elizabeth had made what she deemed to be the right decision , and she had suffered because of it .
18 ‘ You should have seen what they took with them , ’ he laughed .
19 She has n't yet been told what I saw on the sonogram by the way .
20 Inevitably scribes would have corrected what they perceived to be ‘ mistakes ’ and undoubtedly the story would also have been embellished on occasion .
21 We 've got what we came for . ’
22 Otherwise how could the customer know she had got what she paid for ?
23 As had happened with the return of the Ambassadors , Franco had seemingly got what he wanted without altering his position .
24 I have got what I asked for and that is a sufficient ‘ benefit . ’
25 But now I 've got what I came for , so I 'll be going . ’
26 We have sold what we did through a lot of physical effort er of a few .
27 By his lauding the progressive role of the Red Army Bukharin 's audience would have grasped what he had in mind .
28 Well I would 've called what I did in bloody Austria eighteen months ago physical it knackered me more than many other bloody things I did , like crawling up bloody hills and Mind you it 's just as enjoyable .
29 A quarter of his chosen writers were unknown to this reviewer , who wondered whether some of them had ever experienced what they described with such wind-whipped adjectives .
30 Second , I thought Braden certainly should n't have laid what he did with ladies present , even if Mrs. Favor had started it .
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