Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] she was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For he had suddenly realised that she was at the end of her tether — for what reason he did not know , and neither did he care , only that he must go warily with her , lest he damage her beyond repair .
2 Ever since that morning when he 'd briefly pinned her to the mattress , gazing down at her so intently that his eyes had seemed to search her very soul , she 'd realised that she was in deep trouble .
3 He must have noticed that she was with child .
4 He assumed she was guilty , took it for granted that she was at the foot of everything , and that left a bitter taste in her mouth .
5 Isabella , Mr Edgar 's sister , a pretty girl of eighteen , suddenly declared that she was in love with Heathcliff .
6 The letter had definitely stated that she was to be met .
7 This , she realised , was what lay behind that dreadful feeling of alarm she had experienced when Naylor had first stated that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ .
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