Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When a manager is given the authority to do something , it is automatically presupposed that he has the ability to do it , the facilities that he needs and that the desired results will be achieved .
2 The outcome is the same if he has forgotten that he has a knife on him .
3 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
4 He might also have added that he plays the game rather well .
5 Charles II took a personal interest it , matters relating to mining and it is reported that he united the old Mines Royal and the Soc. of Mineral & Battery Works which had for so long run as separate enterprises .
6 The police initially reported that he had a knowledge of surgery and , due to a message scrawled on a wall over one of the victims , it was suggested that he belonged to a secret organization , the Freemasons .
7 It was also reported that he had the audacity to join the Special Constables , but all pretence was blown asunder when he was noticed pawning stolen articles by a fellow officer .
8 It has always been considered that he viewed the walls of the town , even though they have still to be located with absolute certainty .
9 Carloman , however had been born after Pepin had been crowned king in his own right and so considered that he held a superior claim to kingship .
10 ‘ But do n't you think Sunil might have been in danger had it been realised that he had the run of the Admiral 's computer ? ’
11 Cecily the courtesan had even intimated that he used an ointment which was most effective in curing certain sores on the most delicate parts of the body .
12 When we arrived at the office , nobody could have guessed that he had a home , or an aged parent , or any interests at all outside his work .
13 Heard that he had a walkie-talkie radio on which he could give the engineer instructions to slow down further , and to stop .
14 From North Africa Leslie had written that he noticed an alteration in my handwriting , and teased me , saying that it was ‘ the fist of a determined woman ’ .
15 He told me that , at that time , his anxieties were so deeply felt that he sought the advice of his doctor .
16 In mid-1974 he developed phlebitis — inflammation of the veins — and within months it was revealed that he had a thrombosis which could have killed him in seconds .
17 Mr Bakker is the fourth PTL official to be convicted in connection with the scandal , which began after it was revealed that he had an affair with a former church secretary , Jessica Hahn , using PTL funds to pay her hush money afterwards .
18 Cavallo also revealed that he needed a minimum of US$10,000 a month to maintain his personal life style , the majority of his income coming from his involvement in a private thinktank , the Mediterranean Foundation , which was supported by large companies .
19 4 Stieglitz immediately revealed that he comprehended the drawings in terms of qualities that he associated with a woman , but he also believed ( or came to believe ) that their imagery described a very specific dimension of O'Keeffe 's femaleness — her sexual nature .
20 The church found it hard to enforce chastity within marriage when a pagan man took it for granted that he had the right to sleep with his slavegirls .
21 If I had n't known otherwise I would have said that he meant every word of it .
22 It has been said that he understood the psychology of an orchestra better than almost any other conductor .
23 She omitted to mention that , when they last made representations to the bookseller , Mr Pascall , he had said that he stocked the books he could sell ; and if the ladies wanted him to sell better books they should take to buying them and reading them , instead of watching television all day .
24 It is said that he constructed a tank and poured into it molten gold so that it became one vast molten block .
25 Similarly , Simon had said that he detested the National Front , but it was always the left-wingers who started the violence .
26 It should be said that he provided a major influence on inspiration in the development of the Division 's work in this area .
27 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
28 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
29 Dr Tariq would not have said that he liked the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council , but he admired him .
30 But he is perceived as the spokesman of the new regime , and he has always said that he wanted the Panel to ‘ find a company to hang ’ .
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